Social distancing and following preventive measures are the new normal until a COVID-19 vaccine is declared safe for mass-production and administering. Many of us feel that our fitness regimes are heavily compromised, given the worldwide economic shutdown. Physical and mental illnesses are on the rise, and creating a consistent exercise regime at home is more important than ever.
There are many thrilling exercises that you can do at home to regulate your health and enjoy an adrenalin rush. Maintaining your physical and mental fitness is vital, and regular at-home activities are ideal for going about this.
Read also: Best Body Toning Exercises In 2020 That You Can Do Without Gym
Keep reading to explore five thrilling exercises you can easily do at home and enjoy dramatic results.
Ski Workouts
Skiing is a high-intensity workout, and ski exercises are designed to build stamina, flexibility, agility, and muscular strength. If you aim for a challenging workout, ski exercises can help you multiply your gains with minimal yet concentrated efforts. Ski exercises, such as squats, lunges, and planks, target specific muscle groups and help build muscular strength and ability.

Squats will help strengthen your thighs and activate your quads and glutes to build up lower body strength. Squats are very easy to perform, and by far, the best exercise to build strong and flexible legs. You can always increase the intensity of your squats by lifting some weights as you bend and rise.
Squat jumps are a better alternative for those who wish to up the ante and boost their strength. It will make the muscles in your legs, quads, and glutes explosive and amazingly strong. Wall squats and lunges are vital to your ski workouts at home, but purchasing a ski workout machine will yield more results.
You can invest in a ski workout machine to concentrate more effort on your muscles and effectively build up your endurance.
Boxing is an action-packed workout that is empowering, strengthening, and extremely rewarding. It offers numerous health and wellness benefits that extend to your physical and mental wellbeing. Boxing is a powerful cardio exercise that will engage all your bodily muscles. It will help you boost your stamina and respiratory health and build up endurance to fight and defend yourself.

Consider hiring an at-home trainer for boxing training. It is an exciting activity that will attract all your family members, even children. It will promise fun and stress-busting workout session to empty all your aggression and anxiety.
Also known as freerunning, parkour is an ancient training discipline designed by the French military to promote endurance and strength. This military obstacle course training has evolved into a trendy workout that you can easily do at home.
You can seek guidance from a practitioner, known as traceurs, or seek assistance from YouTube videos. Parkour isn’t as tricky as it sounds. The objective is to expose yourself to a complex environment and get from one place to another in the fastest way. People often confuse parkour and freerunning, and while the two are quite similar, there are a few differences.
You see, parkour tests your ability to efficiently maneuver your way out of complex environments using your bodily strength. Unlike most YouTube tutorials, parkour doesn’t require advanced acrobatic training or challenging flips. It would help if you focused on jumping and vaults and the ability to carry your body weight quickly.
Freerunning is more focused on the exciting acrobatic moves, and efficiency is not as crucial as with parkour. Be sure to prioritize quality and authenticate the sources while browsing YouTube tutorials on parkour and freerunning. Parkour is amazingly fun, and you can practice it anywhere, outdoors, or inside your home.
The staircase is a great place to start trying out a few simple jumps, and you can look around to find other spots in your environment. Pretend that you’re running from deadly assassins or making your way out of a terrifying zombie maze.
Weight Lifting
In the wake of the pandemic, many fitness enthusiasts have set up home gyms to keep up with their exercise regimes. Weight lifting is a powerful exercise to strengthen your core muscles and target all muscle groups across your body. It will help you build endurance and strength and align your mental wellness with your physical wellbeing.

Lifting dumbles will help you target muscle groups in your arms, legs, and core that are hard to target with basic exercises. If you’re worried that you’re falling behind on your goals, all you need is some dumbles, a mat, and adrenalin-pumping music.
Wall Climbing
Here’s an exciting exercise that can help you engage the entire family without coercing the kids into getting some physical exercise. Wall climbing is an exciting activity, and it activates various senses and muscle groups in our body. Maneuvering your way as you climb a wall requires you to stay alert and vigilant as you cautiously climb upwards.
Consider putting up a climbing wall in your backyard so you and your family can enjoy this activity safely at home. If you enjoy hiking or trekking, wall climbing can work wonders at boosting your skills and strength.
We all miss going out to the gym and meeting our friends for the weekly Pilates session. But as the world continues to struggle against the novel virus, it is vital to prioritize our physical fitness. Exercise is more important than ever as it helps boost immunity and strength, making us less vulnerable to infections. These at-home exercises will help you enjoy your fitness regime and dramatic weight reduction results.