Latest Science & Technology News
Can Asteroids In The Asteroid Belt Gather Together And Become A Planet?
As most of us know, hypothetically, there was…
How Did Apollo 11 Astronauts Overcome Van Allen’s Radiation Belts During A Flight to the Moon?
The Van Allen belt is the area in…
Is It Possible To Transfer The ISS Into Orbit Around The Moon?
In order to carry the already existing ISS…
If Photon Is Massless, How Can Black Hole’s Gravity Bend Light?
Usually, the theory of relativity is not studied…
How Do Airplanes Manage To Fly From West To East Despite The Rotation Of The Earth?
According to a person who supports the flat…
If A Person Falls From The Height Of A 9-Story Building On The Moon, Will He/She Die Or Survive?
It is impossible to answer this question reliably.…
Is It Possible That A Small Satellite Revolves In orbit Around An Astronaut?
Yes, it is possible in theory. An important…
If We Have To Provide Natural Oxygen In Spacecraft Then How Many Plants Would Be Needed?
In general, the idea of providing a space…
How Did They Take The First Image Of Earth From Space In 1946 if First Satellite Was Launched Only In 1957?
In the 17th century, scientist Isaac Newton talked…
How Did Meteorites Form Craters On The Visible Side Of The Moon To Avoid A Collision With The Earth?
Unlike the Earth, the Moon does not have…
Universe Is Expanding, That Means Distance Between Earth-Moon-Sun Should Increase, But It Does Not, Why?
Our universe is rapidly expanding due to the…
Why Is The ISS Located At A Distance Of About 400 km From The Earth? Why Not 600 km, or 1000, or 300?
The ISS orbit altitude is constantly changing in…
How Is It Possible That False Vacuum Can Destroy the Universe?
The very hypothesis of the existence of two…