Latest UAP Phenomenon News
Former NASA Scientist Says UFO Pilots Could Be Living Beneath Earth’s Oceans In Secret Bases
For years, NASA whistleblowers have been claiming that…
Former US Army Pilot Spent 92 Days On Giant Alien SpaceShip Learned How Greys Helped Humans Build Colonies On Mars
Alex Collier is the most controversial alien contactee…
Remote Viewer Finds 100,000-Year-Old Alien Robot Attacked Minnesota Deputy 43 Years Ago
The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States…
This Michigan Woman Encountered Reptilian Alien Dubbed ‘Mr.’, MUFON Director Investigated
It is true now that UFOs are real,…
First Time On TV, US Top Physicist Admits He Was Pentagon Paid UFO Hunter
When The New York Times exposed the Pentagon's…
Mysterious Deaths, UFO Encounters & Underground Alien Civilization In Antarctica
During World War II, Antarctica became the most…
Oxford Scholar Believes Two Cosmic Wars Happened In Our Solar System Between Advanced ETs
The world was not ready when the Apollo…
Former CIA Agent Admits To Collect Extraterrestrial Devices Found Inside Alien abduction Victims
Derrel Sims aka "Alien Hunter" is one of…
Missouri Woman Claims To Encounter Blue Aliens Regularly After Her First UFO Sighting
The idea that extraterrestrials can be blue-skinned is…
Moon Mysteries: Millions of Aliens Living There, Remote Viewer Finds Tall Towers Built By Not Humans
There are so many mysteries circulating around the…
There Was Life On Moon, USSR Spacecraft Returned Earth With Evidence In 1970
During the Cold War, the United States and…
Did Nikola Tesla Help US Navy Build An Invisibility Device For Their Warships?
The obsession with the concept of time travel…
Did China find Possible Technological Traces From Advanced Alien Civilization?
There are scientific estimations of how many alien…
Aliens Are Cyborgs & By 2045 Humans Will No Longer Be Top Species, Scientists Claim
The alleged alien race of "Grey" is generally…