Gray Alien Named ‘Sen’: Californian Woman Encounter Case By MUFON Researcher
The most so-called common extraterrestrial species described by…
FBI 1947 Declassified Report: Giant Aliens Visit Earth From Another Dimension
The FBI vault contains thousands of declassified files…
Astronomer Jacques Vallée: UFO Phenomena Are Control System On Human Consciousness
The increasing demand to declassify UFO files has…
Bill & Hillary Clinton: Aliens May Already Visited Earth & Are Threat To Humanity
The matter of UFOs and the extraterrestrial have…
US Scientist Has Technology To Teleport Aliens From Mars To Earth
Recently, on the FOI request into the Pentagon's…
There Are 36 Alien Races In Milky Way & Humans Are Composite Of 22 Different E.T. Races
There is only one known intelligent species that…
Are There Tunnels To Extraterrestrial Base In California Mojave Desert?
The Mojave Desert, located southwest of the United…
Apollo Worker Found Evidence That Ancient Alien Cities Exist On Moon, NASA Fired Him
The mysteries around the Moon have been circulating…
Ex-CIA Pilot Said 5 To 10 Alien Civilizations Visiting Earth & They Are Hostile
A former CIA pilot John Lear dedicated part…
Unknown Civilization Or UFO? Who Sent Signals To Navy From Ocean Depth?
During the cold war, the US and the…
Moon Trip Enforced NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell to Believe In UFOs & Aliens, Why?
There is a long list of astronauts who…
Professor Garry Nolan: There Are ‘Innumerable’ Alien Civilizations In Space
A discussion about UFOs and extraterrestrials was considered…
Evidence That Prove UFOs May Have Visited Earth 3 Times In 50 Years
Since the first UFO sighting, many types, shapes,…
USAF Report: Submarine-Shaped UFO Spotted In Oklahoma In 1966, Alien Being Entered It
In the 1950s and mid-60s, the United States…
John Searl Built UFO, Flown At 2175 mph & Discovered Free Energy Secret
Throughout history, there have been many brilliant minds…