UAP Phenomenon Archives - Page 22 of 43 - How and Why's
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US Scientist Has Technology To Teleport Aliens From Mars To Earth

Recently, on the FOI request into the Pentagon's…

Are There Tunnels To Extraterrestrial Base In California Mojave Desert?

The Mojave Desert, located southwest of the United…

Professor Garry Nolan: There Are ‘Innumerable’ Alien Civilizations In Space

A discussion about UFOs and extraterrestrials was considered…

Evidence That Prove UFOs May Have Visited Earth 3 Times In 50 Years

Since the first UFO sighting, many types, shapes,…

John Searl Built UFO, Flown At 2175 mph & Discovered Free Energy Secret

Throughout history, there have been many brilliant minds…

Ancient Cultures Knew Ley Lines: Earth’s Invisible Energy Grid That Attracts UFOs?

In the 1920s, an amazing discovery happened, according…