Latest UAP Phenomenon News
Ancient Cultures Knew Ley Lines: Earth’s Invisible Energy Grid That Attracts UFOs?
In the 1920s, an amazing discovery happened, according…
Brazilian Soldier Told How He Helped Capture Alien During Varginha UFO Incident
In 1996, some very strange UFO phenomena took…
Badajoz UFO Encounter: Truly Bizzare Green Alien Encounter At Spanish Military Base 1976, Multiple Witnesses
The Badajoz UFO incident is one of the…
Phil Schneider’s Suspicious Death, Battle With Greys At Dulce Base & Alien Agenda
The mysterious phenomena of otherworldly beings and flying…
Alfred Webre: ‘Mars Is Inhabited By Human-Like Civilization’ & CIA Knows It
Alfred Lambremont Webre is the first visionary to…
Finnish ‘Dyatlov Pass’ Case: Huge UFO & Mysterious Alien With Black Box
Fifty-two years ago, a strange event happened in…
Ghost Rocket Sightings Over Scandinavia After WW2: Soviet Missiles Or Alien Ships?
The UFO sightings did not start in America…
Robert Monroe Encountered Reptilian Race During CIA Interdimensional Experiments
Robert Allan Monroe (1915 –1995), born in Wabash,…
Area-51 Whistleblower Bob Lazar Story Has Credible Experts To Confirm His Work
Bob Lazar is the most important entity in…
This Man Who Hacked NASA Says Truth About Aliens Will Never Be Disclosed
In 2000, Gary McKinnon, a British Hacker who…
France Best UFO Incident: 4 Aliens Flew Off From Ground To Spaceship, 2 Witnesses
In August 1967, two children tending a herd…
Black Triangle UFO Captured In NASA Apollo 9 Photos: Is It Again Black Knight Satellite?
A photograph from the Apollo 9 mission is…
From ‘Organic, Alien-Like Creature’ To Huge UFO: What Astronauts Witnessed In Space
Former NASA astronaut Leland Melvin, who is best…
Area 51 Scientist Before Death Made Shocking Confessions About Aliens, UFOs, & Anti-Gravity Tech
On August 7, 2014, American scientist Boyd Bushman…
Ohio Air Force Base Is A House of Crashed UFOs, Dead & Living Aliens, Officials Claim
A UFO conspiracy around the dead aliens has…