Scientists have studied the afterlife and found out that two-dimensional universes can be populated.
Scientists at the University of California and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have concluded that the laws of physics in the Universe with two spatial and one time dimensions allow the existence of living organisms.
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In the framework of the scalar theory of gravity, researchers have demonstrated the fallacy of views, according to which, in a two-dimensional Universe gravity, it plays an important role in the emergence of life. In addition, they showed that in such a space, the emergence of quite complex structures similar to two-dimensional neural networks is possible.

Such networks should be built according to a modular principle in order to exclude intersections, as well as have other specific mathematical characteristics. It is believed that three-dimensional space is necessary to maintain life. In a universe with a large number of dimensions, Newton’s laws will not work properly, and small disturbances will prevent the occurrence of stable orbits.
It was believed that universes with a smaller number of dimensions are also unsuitable for life. Thus, the existence of people in three-dimensional space is explained by the strong anthropic principle, according to which complex living organisms can arise only in the universe with observable properties.
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Black holes can serve as portals to another dimension, as shown in the plot of the movie “Interstellar” with McConaughey. With the help of black holes in space, people will have the opportunity to travel in time and space, performing hyperspace jumps, previously described only in science fiction films and literature. A similar cosmological model was developed by a team of researchers from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and Georgina Gwinnett College in the United States, according to the study.
Earlier in the scientific community, the point of view had been accepted that the spacecraft would not be able to fly through a black hole, since it would have to overcome the incredible enormous overloads, strains, and contractions caused by singularity, up to its complete evaporation.
These findings were made by scientists from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, examining the black hole, which is located in the center of our Milky Way.