One of the first and most well-known incidents about “Men In Black” happened in busy Bridgeport. According to UFO researchers, Men In Black, or MIB, are super-secret agents who work for the FBI, CIA, or some other government group. They try to stop people who are trying to find out the truth about UFOs. Some people who study UFOs even suggest that the MIB might not be from Earth.
In the fall of 1952, ufologist Albert K. Bender announced the creation of a new research organization, the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB). He was also the author of the ufology journal “Space Review” which was released in 1953. West Virginia resident Gray Barker soon offered his assistance to Bender and spoke of the Flatwood Monster case, which he was investigating with Ivan Sanderson.
Albert K. Bender was born in Duryea, Pennsylvania, on June 16, 1921. During World War II, from June 8, 1942, to October 7, 1943, he worked as a dental technician in the US Army-Air Force, but he didn’t go overseas, he stayed in the US. After leaving the army, he moved to Bridgeport with his mom Ellen, and step-father Michael Ardolino. They lived at 784 Broad Street. In January 1953, Bender asked Barker to head the research department of the IFSB. In September, however, Bender announced that he was forced to cease his activities.
On March 15, 1953, at 6 pm, EST, Albert Bender lay down on the bed in his attic apartment in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He cleared his mind, as best he could, and recited the appeal he had written for himself and his fellow members of the International Flying Saucer Bureau. Hoping his friends were doing the same, Bender recited his mantram three times:
“Calling occupants of interplanetary craft! Calling occupants of interplanetary craft that have been observing our planet EARTH. We of IFSB wish to make contact with you. We are your friends, and would like you to make an appearance here on EARTH. Your presence before us will be welcomed with the utmost friendship. We will do all in our power to promote mutual understanding between your people and the people of EARTH. Please come in peace and help us in our EARTHLY problems. Give us some sign that you have received our message. Be responsible for creating a miracle here on our planet to wake up the ignorant ones to reality. Let us hear from you. We are your friends.” (Source)
Soon, Bender had his answer. It was not one he really wanted to hear. But before we tell you about it, let’s back up and take a look at the whole ‘alien-contact’ situation. In using telepathy to talk to aliens, Bender was following a much older tradition than he imagined.
In July 1953, Bender had three visitors at his house. He described them as wearing black clothes and hats like clergymen. They were the Men In Black, known for appearing in groups of three. They told Bender to stop his work on UFOs. They didn’t speak aloud but communicated using their minds, saying, “Stop publishing.” They took copies of Space Review with them when they left. After they left, a strange yellow fog appeared in the upstairs rooms of 784 Broad Street. The attic smelled strongly of sulphur, which made Bender feel very scared. He couldn’t eat for days because he was so frightened. These visits from the Men In Black happened to Bender several times.
Barker was extremely surprised and in early October, he came to Bender with several other IFSB members to try to sort out the situation. Bender knew what flying saucers really were, but remained silent.

Some UFO researchers concluded that Bender was indeed under pressure from government agents while others doubted it. Coral Lorenzen, the founder of UFO research APRO, wrote in the bulletin that most likely, the IFSB was funded by Palmer’s magazine and used to write science-fiction stories.
Bender talked about Men In Black in old newspapers from the Bridgeport Sunday Herald. The Herald wrote about them in an article titled “Mystery Visitors Halt Research” on November 29, 1953. Bender said three men in dark suits showed him credentials claiming they were from a “higher authority.” They asked many questions about the IFSB. The Herald’s reporter, Lem M’Collum, thought these visitors were government officials. Bender later said that the Men In Black were not from Earth, but it took him some time to feel less worried about it.
One way or another, the name of Albert Bender disappeared from the pages of ufological publications. But not forever. Ten years later, he published a book entitled “Flying Saucers and the Three Men,” in which the whole story was presented from a completely different perspective. Indeed, Bender wrote that in 1953, three men in black visited him. And they were not government agents but aliens.
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They provided Bender with a piece of strange metal, shaped like a coin, with which he could communicate with them. After some time, three mysterious creatures reappeared in his house and carried Bender to some vast room, possibly inside a flying saucer. One of the creatures telepathically informed him that representatives of their race were visiting Earth for the sole purpose of “extracting useful chemicals from the Earth’s oceans.”
According to him, aliens had settled on our planet for a long. At first, the creature seemed to be a humanoid for Bender, but then it appeared before him in its natural – extremely vile – form. However, it warned Albert Bender, and through him all humanity, against continuing experiments with radioactive substances.
The alien said those experiments would have a negative impact on future generations.
Albert Bender shut down the IFSB because of strange things happening to him. The telepathic messages, headaches, felt like he was being followed, and got weird warnings from MIBs. After a year and a half of starting the IFSB, the last Space Review magazine came out in October 1953. It had a strange message and warning: “The secret of flying saucers isn’t a secret anymore. We know where they come from, but someone higher up doesn’t want us to tell. We wanted to share the whole story in Space Review, but we were told not to. We tell those studying saucers to be very careful.”
Bender soon woke up at home, lying on his bed and feeling sick. When he tried to tell someone from the IFSB executive committee about contact with aliens, he faced misunderstanding and mistrust. What could he do? And then, Bender decided to reveal to his colleagues only part of the truth.

Bender said some people warned him against further research into the UFO problem and they were very convincing. They even revealed the secret of flying saucers to him. He took their threats seriously, but could not give up his research on UFOs as it had become part of his life, so he continued his work.
Later, the MIB visited him multiple times and during their visit, Bender’s health kept declining. They seemed to draw vital energy out of him, and much more than on the first visit. Bender also noticed that with each visit, the eyes of the aliens got brighter and more menacingly. But still, he did not dare to give up his research, and then Bender felt completely sick.
After the second visit, he had a stomach ache, as if with an ulcer, and migraines happened every day, and after the third visit Bender began to lose weight and have problems with his eyesight or psyche, it began to seem to him that the MIB was following him even on the streets.
According to Bender, he saw the MIB in every shady nook, and in the meantime, his stomach problems worsened. And then, the ufologist could not stand it. He closed his Space Review magazine, closed the international bureau, and decided to move away from UFO research. After that, his health improved. Until he died in 2016, Bender no longer talked about UFOs.
“Fear of the MIB was made in part by worries about the possibly unfriendly reasons of UFOs. A popular early book, “Flying Saucers on the Attack” by Harold T. Wilkins (1954), worried that a “Cosmic General Staff could even now be planning a real-life war of the worlds. But next to demonologist-ufologist John A. Keel, author of “UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse” (1970) and other writings, Wilkins sounded like an optimist.
In Keel’s version, UFO intelligences are not just aliens but “ultraterrestrials”-creatures from unimaginable other dimensions of reality. Worse, they definitely do not like us at all.
Human beings, Keel says loudly, are “like ants, trying to view reality with very limited perceptive equipment. . . . We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use us in any way they see fit. They have been doing it to us forever.”
[…] Three Aliens Almost Killed Ex-US Soldier And Ufologist in 1950s, Threatened Him To Stop His Research […]
In a Q&A session which Bender gave to colleagues after announcing the closure of the IFSB, reported in Gray Barker’s They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers, Bender gave two indicators that the MIB were from the US govt. First, he stated that they “showed credentials”; second, he said that if he told what he knew about Flying Saucers, he would “go to gaol for a very long time” – something only govt officials wd have power to enforce. Anonymous men in black suits featured in connexion with the JFK assassination. They turned up at L.H.Oswald’s Marine Corps base to quiz his comrades after his defection to Russia (Epstein: Legend), and it seems they also turned up in force at Bethesda Naval Hospital during the autopsy, even intervening to “correct” the medics (Lifton: Best Evidence). Bender’s Flying Saucers And The Three Men seems to have been written specifically to rule out the idea that the MIB were government-involved, and Bender’s ordeal here described may have been the consequence of one of the CIA’s MK/Ultra mind control operations.