In many ancient cultures, there are legends and artifacts that describe certain gods or deities as human-animal hybrids. There are numerous mysterious details surrounding the Ancient Anunnaki, and most enigmas revolve around their physical traits, present in depictions all around the world. There are numerous traits that clearly indicate a difference between ordinary humans and these gods from heaven.
Many believe that there is a clear connection between the Ancient Anunnaki and representations of Reptilian beings on Earth. Such stories that link reptilians with humans are not rare. Interestingly, the “Doctrine of the Serpent Seed” points at the bloodline of the Serpent in human history.
In ancient Chinese folklore of Fu Xi and Nuwa, these were half-snake deities who were responsible for the creation and education of mankind. Similar traditions arise from the study of ancient Greek mythology, where Cecrops, the mythical first king and founder of Athens, similarly bestowed knowledge of writing and reading unto mankind. Greek mythology also featured Echidna, mother of all monsters and human-snake hybrid, appearing virtually identical to the aforementioned serpent deities.
Reptilian Gods around the world
Regardless of what ancient folklores hint towards at the Reptilian origin of the Anunnaki, there are crucial pieces of evidence. At the archeological site of Jarmo (modern Iraq), researchers discovered a proto-Neolithic community that vanished some 2,000 years ago. Among the thousands of mysterious artifacts and Sumerian statues of the Gods found on the site, researchers discovered numerous representations of “The Mother Goddess of Fertility.”
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The representation of the goddess was rather unusual. The figurines display an anthropomorphic body, the heads of the statues are anything but a human with clear zoomorphic traits. Both male and female figurines display serpent-like characteristics: Elongated faces, elongated skulls, large oval-shaped eyes, and broad shoulders.

The worshipping of Serpent-Gods was quite common in the ancient culture. In the Mayan culture, Itzamná is considered to be the supreme god who created the world. He is often designated as the most powerful god in the universe, not by strength but by his tremendous knowledge of writing, food, medicine, etc. He is the Mayan pantheon of gods who taught Mayans how to become civilized and established rituals for religious worship.
The meaning of Itzamná in the Mayan language is a lizard or large fish. He has many avatars and is known by the different names in different eras. For example, in the mesoamerican culture, Quetzalcoatl or Feathered Serpent God was the white god who visited Earth. In the Post Classic period, he was known to Mayans as Kukulkan. In his other form, he is shown as a two-headed caiman that describes the duality of the universe as per Mayan beliefs.
In India, there is still a strong belief in the reality of Nagas, a race of “serpent people” or “lizard men” who have made their homes in two major underground cities (or civilizations), Bhogavati and Patala. Bhogavati is believed to be underneath the Himalayas, and it is said that from there the Nagas waged the war on other human subterranean from the subsurface kingdoms of Agharta and Shambala. Patala is believed by millions of Hindus to this day to have an entrance in the Well of Sheshna in Banares, India.

Rh-negative Blood Reptilian connection
One other curious representation of the snake god in world mythologies comes from the small region of Basque people, situated at the border of Spain and France in the Pyrenees mountain range. The Basque culture features rather prominently a character known as “Sugaar,” often depicted as a snake or dragon.
The Basque tradition here holds that Sugaar a consort of the greater pre-Christian Basque goddess, known as “Mari,” is actually a demon, and was described as being an entity who traveled through the sky between the Balerdi and Elortalde mountains, appearing as a great fireball.
Aside from the snake-like representation of Basque’s God, this particular population is carrying a quite rare bloodline. They have the highest concentration of Rh-negative blood type which many associated with the “Alien Blood.”
In the book “Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds,” Brad Steiger noted that some believe this mutation occurred as a result of interbreeding between early humans and some non-human species, perhaps of alien origin.
The origin of the Basque is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some theorists maintain that Basque was the original tongue of the Book of Genesis (Bible). Some believe it was the original language spoken by humankind and possibly the language of the “gods” who came in ancient times.
Researcher Dee Finney noted the following after compiling a variety of information on the alleged connection between Reptilians and curious non-Rhesus mutations among human blood types:
“The Reptilians are tracking those with Rh-Negative Factor Blood. Going back into time…. the Rh-Neg Hybrids came from the Draco Caverns in the Carpathian Mountains. They were mostly red Haired, with Green Eyes and Black haired, with Brown Eyes. They tried to infiltrate themselves into the Blond/Brown Haired, with Blue Eyes, Civilization…. Rh-Negs are Hybrids. They are Part Reptilian/part human. If two Rh-Negs try to have a baby it will usually die or be born a “Blue Baby”, because it is not processing oxygen properly. Thus “Blue-Bloods”, if they survive. 5% of the Earth’s population are currently Rh-Negatives. But, they are 15% of the population of England and the USA.”
Ranging from ancient Sumer to Asia and the Americas, mysterious descriptions of reptilian-like beings are present all over the world and all of them have many similarities in common. Is it possible that all of these ancient cultures described the same race? Is it possible that all of them actually describe the ancient Anunnaki?