The Celsius scale is a measurement system with the relative scale which is based on the properties of water.
The temperature at which water freezes (1 ATM) is taken as 0°C. At a temperature of 100°C, water boils. In 1742, Swedish scientist Anders Celsius proposed dividing the interval between these two points into 100 equal parts, degrees Celsius.
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Celsius is ideal for everyday use, but not for thermodynamics. After the advent of the new scale, science has more deeply studied the issue of temperature, and as it turned out, it is a measure of the kinetic energy of the constituent particles. This gave rise to a new unit of measurement, Kelvin.
The new unit and scale are named after the Irish-Scottish mathematician, physicist and engineer William Thomson, Lord Kelvin. He was the first British scholar admitted to the House of Lords.
If we want to lower the temperature, we slow down the movement of particles
Particles will come to a state of the absolute stop. This is what we call absolute zero or 0 degrees Kelvin.
We can extrapolate the Celsius scale and align it with the Kelvin scale. We find that the absolute zero approximately corresponds to -273.15°C.
For the other end of the scale, there is a theory of what is called an absolute heat. Actually, this is pure theory, we only assume that this is the probable limit.
The theory is based on the fact that if an object reaches the temperature of an absolute heat, then it will begin to exhibit properties that today are not observed in the Universe.
So, the limit of the highest temperature comes from cosmology (the study of the properties and evolution of the Universe), its quality is the Planck temperature, which is 141.785 non-Kelvin nonillion (a number followed by 30 zeros).

What we know today is that the Planck temperature was introduced in 1899 by the German physicist, Nobel Prize winner (1918) Max Planck, together with the concepts: the Planck length, Planck mass, and Planck time.
We see that this energy (E = mc²), should probably correspond to the mass producing the observed level of gravity. That is, to indicate their presence, taking into account other active forces.
As long as we have no evidence that such a source of gravity exists, it is unknown for certain whether such hot particles exist.