In 2023 I published the book ‘BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT – The Pascagoula Alien Abduction’ which I had co-authored with my colleague in the USA Dr Irena Scott. The book was the result of five years’ worth of work investigating the Pascagoula case and a foreword for the book was written by none other than Calvin Parker himself. Sadly Calvin died before the book was published but I made sure he had an advanced copy and was able to give it his approval.
The Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson alien abduction experience took place on the Pascagoula River, Mississippi on October 11th, 1973. For those who are not aware of what some call the best-documented case of its kind, I will outline the details of what happened:
On the evening of October 11th, 1973, 42-year-old Charles Hickson and 18-year-old Calvin Parker — co-workers at a local shipyard — were fishing off a pier on the west bank of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. They heard a whirring/whizzing sound, saw two flashing blue lights, and reported that an oval-shaped “craft”, about thirty feet long, eight or ten feet high suddenly appeared near them. The ship seemed to levitate about 2 feet above the ground. A door opened on the ship, they said, and three creatures emerged and seized the men, floating or levitating them into the craft. Both men reported being paralyzed and numb. Parker claimed that he had fainted due to fright. They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape and standing about five feet tall.
The creatures’ skin was pale grey in color and wrinkled, and they had no eyes that the men could discern, and slits for mouths. Their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck. There were three “carrot-like” growths instead – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be. The beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and they seemed to have only one leg (Hickson later described the creatures’ lower bodies looking as if their legs were fused) ending in elephant-like feet. Hickson also reported that the creatures moved in mechanical, robotic ways.
On the ship, Hickson claimed that he was somehow levitated or hovered a few feet above the floor of the craft and was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body. Parker claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during sessions of hypnotic regression, he offered some hazy details. The men were released after about 15-20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson’s feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank. Both men said they were terrified by what had happened. They claimed to have sat in a car for about 45 minutes, trying to calm themselves. Hickson drank a small amount of whiskey.

After some discussion, they tried to report their story to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but personnel told them the United States Air Force had nothing to do with UFO reports and suggested the men notify the police. At about 10:30 p.m., Hickson and Parker arrived at the Jackson County, Mississippi Sheriff’s office. It was claimed that they brought the catfish they’d caught while fishing; it was the only proof they had to back up their story. However, Calvin Parker later confirmed that this was not correct. He said “It had been said by some that we took some fish with us back to the car but we didn’t, we just took our fishing equipment”
Sheriff Fred Diamond thought the men seemed sincere and genuinely frightened and he thought Parker was especially disturbed. While writing his book in 2018 Calvin Parker told his full story for the first time. He had of course not passed out as previously stated. He remembered everything. He informed me that while onboard the UFO and laid out on a see-through table of some kind, his pants, shoes, and socks were removed. He does not like talking about this at all I might add. Calvin informed me that something was stuck in his foot underneath and that it hurt. While lying on the table a small object the size of a pack of cards descended from the -ceiling’ and circled him making a ‘clicking’ noise. Full story here:

Mrs Maria Blair and he late husband Jerry Blair came to our attention after a young lady made a post on YouTube. The video in question on YouTube was a small item detailing Calvin Parker’s encounter in 1973. The message left was that this person’s mum and dad were on the opposite side of the river that night and they too saw the UFO. I located this person on social media and asked if we could speak with her parents. The reply came back with a ‘yes’ and her parents were Mr and Mrs Blair. I spoke with both Maria and Jerry Blair before passing their details to my colleague Dr Irena Scott. Over a protracted period the Blairs informed us that they were indeed on the other side of the Pascagoula River that night (Oct 11th, 1973).

Mr Blair worked offshore servicing the oil rigs. He was due to go offshore and his boat was there but his supervisor was late. He tried to get some sleep in the car and Mrs Blair accompanied him. It was from the car that she observed a strange ‘aircraft’ blue flying haphazardly up and down the opposite bank of the Pascagoula River. Mr Blair also witnessed this. Losing patience with the non-appearance of Jerry’s boss they decided to walk down the pier and put Jerry’s clothes on the boat.
It was at this point that there was a large splash in the water next to them and a ‘grey man’ jumped out of the water in front of a bewildered Maria Blair. It went back into the water but never resurfaced. Maria chucked Jerry’s clothes onto the boat and ran back to her car very scared. There was a time delay here. Mrs. Blair estimated that it was 9.00 pm when they put her husband’s clothes on the boat but it was around midnight when she returned to her car. There was a period of three hours that could not be accounted for.

When speaking to either myself or Dr Scott Jerry didn’t say much at first. It was Maria who told us what they had seen. Sadly, Mr Blair became seriously ill and while in hospital waiting to have surgery he insisted on speaking with me on the phone. I spoke with Jerry directly from the hospital where he told me that he had seen the same things that his wife had. He’d kept it quiet as he didn’t want people to think they were crazy. Sadly Mr Blair’s illness was terminal and completely out of the blue he told his wife Maria that they too had been abducted. He went into some detail and carried on right until he passed away. Maria had had some brief glimpses of what had happened which now made sense. Eventually, and at her request, Mrs Blair went under regressive hypnosis. This session of regressive hypnosis took place at the home of Calvin Parker in Mississippi, USA on February 17th, 2022.

It was recorded on audio and video. Under hypnosis an emotional Maria Blair described the encounter back in 1973 that the ‘aliens’ were interested in human DNA and that they took some of her eggs. The ‘aliens’ apparently wanted to create a hybrid that looked human and could walk among us unnoticed.
The full story of the Blairs encounter including the full hypnosis transcript is in our book ‘BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT – The Pascagoula Alien Anduction’.
At this point, both Dr Scott and I had thought we had the full story from Maria Blair. Maria and Jerry had told us what happened and Jerry made what we might describe as a deathbed confession detailing their abduction at the same date and time as Parker and Hickson. Maria had undergone hypnosis and that was it. What more was there that we didn’t already know?

Well, we had been assisted in 2023 by a lady called Chelsea Norton Prince. Chelsea runs the Ocean Springs Historical Society in Mississippi and she has an interest in the Pascagoula case. She had also met Calvin Parker. In August 2023 a member of the society donated two boxes of letters and ephemera to Chelsea. This material had once belonged to Charles Hickson and Chelsea provided me with copies. I’ll write more about this in the future but we are very grateful to Chelsea for her assistance with this. It was at around this point in time that I realized that we didn’t have Maria Blair on film discussing her account and that of her late husband Jerry. We had her hypnosis on video which was filmed by a professional but unfortunately, he wasn’t available.
Read also:
- Ex-US Navy Officer Saw ‘Non-human Entities’ In His Bedroom After ‘Gimbal UFO’ Encounter
- Lue Elizondo’s Attorney Claims Vatican Knows Aliens Are Here & They Come From Different Star Systems
Once again Chelsea stepped forward and volunteered to interview Maria for us and record it using her iPhone. This interview took place on October 15th, 2023.
I had sent Chelsea some questions to ask Maria in advance. I also have a full transcript of the interview which we hope to publish in full at some point in the future. Maria told us more about her and Jerry’s encounter but went on to state that she could see what was happening to Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker on the opposite side of the river. Here are some snippets from the transcript of this interview:

CNP: Did he say that your incident was before or after the other one (Parker & Hickson)?
MB: Erm, I believe because of what I’ve….because I was watching them from my car. So, I know that they had to have after.
CNP: So, you watched it from your car before.
MB: Before, yeah.
CNP: Okay. So, it couldn’t have been at the same time either.
MB: So, I said to Calvin, they left twice, when they brought Calvin and Charlie back. When they brought them back from the spaceship it took off. And that’s when I saw it go down, they like to follow the river and roads and stuff and use them as maps.

This was the first time that Maria had gone into any detail about what she witnessed on the other side of the river. But there was more to come.
CNP: You were outside or inside the car.
MB: I was inside my car.
CNP: And he was inside the car. Both of you were in the car.
MB: And erm, I’m looking down, and you know, I saw Calvin and Charlie down there fishing and erm, so, I’m looking at what’s going on around me, you know, because I had nothing else to do. So, I looked off in the distance, and I saw erm, an object which I thought was an airplane some over towards Gautier, come into my view and so I’m just watching it. And I’m thinking, oh I don’t think that’s a UFO, you know, just see something silly. I’m gonna watch it.
CNP: Erm, and then what did you see happen?
MB: Err, oh well when I saw it coming, it comes up behind them with, I didn’t know that’s what it was doing because I couldn’t, I, it then got dark.
CNP: (garbled) Could you see very well, it was dark.

MB: It was dark. It had gotten dark, yes. And then erm, it comes in behind them, that’s when Calvin said he saw the blue lights, he thought it was the cops. Laughs. And I’m on the other side watching from my car and I see the lights, the blue lights flashing.
And it was like both, both lights were like this (pulsing at the same time) and blue, and it was coming up behind them. And when it got up behind them erm, that’s when he said, he thought it was, we’re in trouble, Charlie. The cops (laughs). But erm, anyway, it errs, I seen it when the door opened.
CNP: How did it open? Was it side-to-side? Like an elevator.
MB: Like yeah. Like that (waving arms from side to side).
CNP: Like the bigger ones you see.
MB: Yeah. It opened up and the bright light came through. The bright err, white light comes through. It was very bright. And I saw the three err, the three UFO guys come out and, aliens or whatever they are (laughs). You see, at the time I didn’t know what that was. I’m watching from a distance and not knowing what I’m seeing.
CNP: Garbled. So were they looking like almost shadows?
MB: No, it looked like, it looked like people, I mean from where I was at I think I’m looking at people.
CNP: That people were coming out of this craft.
MB: Yeah. Well, anyway they come out, they went down to where they were at, where Charlie and Calvin were at, and I saw when they brought them back. And they, Calvin had, they had Calvin by the arm and Charlie by the arm and Calvin had slumped over, he looked like he’s passed out, and Charlie’s sort of hanging on there, you know, and he’s not, he’s not err, as scared.
CNP: Okay.
MB: He’s not as scared as Calvin was. Any, they took them up into the spaceship and it was like thirty minutes later, like I said, I didn’t know exactly what was happening over there, watching from my car.
CNP: Were you scared or anything?
MB: No, because I didn’t know exactly what was going on. I’m just watching something happening you know.
CNP: And I doubt you’re gonna think they are being abducted by aliens.
MB: Yeah. I mean I didn’t know what was happening or what was going on. I was just watching what was going on but I didn’t know what it was.
CNP: Right.
MB: And until later on, and then err, they come back out. So, err, they brought them out, put them back down to the waterfront, set them down to where they were at before.

CNP: Wow.
MB: And erm, that’s when they got back in the craft and it took off (Maria shoots an arm into the air pointing upwards). Straight up.
CNP: How long do you think they were….
MB: They were in there for about thirty minutes.
CNP: Thirty minutes.
Maria went on to go into more detail as the interview progressed.
CNP: Erm, what color was the lights that you saw over the other side of the river? What was the color of the lights…………
MB: You talking about the ones….blue.
CNP: What color were they?
MB: Blue. They were flashing like this (puts their hands in front of her and mimics the pulsating lights). Blinking like this. I can see them, I can….You know like this. Going off and on like that. Both sides.
CNP: Okay. And was the blue bright?
MB: Oh yeah, very bright.
Chelsea went on to probe even more.
CNP: When and how were you made aware of what happened to Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson?
MB: Oh, I heard about it on the news just like everybody else did. Yes, I mean I heard about it but I didn’t know that. I mean I knew what I saw and then I put two and two together, and that’s what was going on.
CNP: So did you put two and two together like right after when you first heard about it?
MB: Yeah (nods head).
Chelsea continued the conversation and Maria gave more details of what had happened to her and Jerry. Out of the blue Maria gave a very bold statement.
CNP: I believe it. When did you first meet Calvin Parker?
MB: The first time I met, well the first time I actually seen him was when he got abducted, but the first time is whenever err, Brian Broom was interviewing us with the TV station and err, they brought us together for the first time, the meeting.
CNP: You were there and he had someone to relate to.
MB: But everything that happened that night between erm, Calvin and Charlie with the aliens and space err, when the humanoids got him, I saw it all. I saw the whole thing. I saw it when it came down. I seen it when it, I saw it from a distance when it was coming from Gautier. It looked to me that it had come off the water, that it come over and it started to follow the path of the highway.
CNP: Interesting.
MB: And it came, it was following the highway because I watched it and it came over and I followed it down and before it got to the drawbridge which was there at the time it crossed over and it started coming down and I said I wonder where that plane’s going, that’s not any, that’s not any, err aircraft thing up there, there’s nowhere for them to land.
During the remainder of the interview, Maria discusses her encounter and Jerry’s in more detail and does not discuss seeing Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson on the opposite side of the river.
I wanted to clarify the point where Maria states that she witnessed the abduction of Hickson and Parker. She saw the UFO land, three creatures emerge and abduct Hickson and Parker and later return them. I sent Maria a message on Facebook. Maria’s reply was on October 23rd, 2023. She simply said: “Yes I did”.
I am convinced that Jerry Blair and his wife Maria Blair did indeed see the blue UFO that night of October 11th, 1973 on the opposite side of the Pascagoula River and that they too had a close encounter. There are lots of reasons why I believe this. I don’t know the geography of the Pascagoula River to say whether Maria could see Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker in detail and at night on the other side of the river. What I will say is that I see no reason for Maria to lie. Like all of the new information we have uncovered and published in our book, I present this latest testimony from Maria Blair to you and ask that you simply reach your conclusion.
About the author:
Philip Mantle is a long-standing UFO researcher and author from the UK. He was formerly the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association and was the MUFON Representative for England. He is the founder of FLYING DISK PRESS and can be contacted on email at: [email protected]