If you believe the prophecy, then the whole world is on the verge of incredible changes. Surely, many people have heard that the whole world is ruled by a secret club. One of the versions suggests that this is a club of masons. Ordinary people cannot even imagine that this group of people can actually solve the problem. And the last message from freemason members didn’t scare people at all.

One of the freemason members, shortly before his death, told the whole truth that he had been waiting for the planet in the near future.
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They tried to keep the received information in secret, but soon it leaked to the masses and caused considerable panic among many people. And there really is a reason for panic.
The world is on the verge of incredible changes
If you believe the words, the whole world is on the verge of incredible changes. Everything will be changed so much that it is even scary to imagine these changes. The first revelation was that the entire banking system would collapse completely. Every year, all the countries will have more debt. After some time, the size of the debt will become so huge that they simply have nothing to give.
Ordained Baptist minister Lindsey Williams suggested that China could become the new world leader. After all, this country is now in the front very much, its progress in various sectors exceeds other states.
Monetary units will cease to be necessary, and this, in turn, will suit the new order in the world. As a result, the richest people will be equal to ordinary peasants. Real estate will cost a penny, but natural resources, such as precious metals, will become very expensive and scarce.
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Besides, previously it had been reported that in recent times, scientists have become increasingly noticing the different signs about the coming end of the world.
The territory on the border of Saudi Arabia and Jordan was attacked by a swarm of locusts. Insects damaged fruit and olive plantations in the Jordanian city of Tafila. To repel assertive creatures, the authorities of Jordan raised military aircraft that spray chemical substances.

The incredible locust invasion became the pretext for the statement of the Christian evangelist, American pastor Paul Begley, that this phenomenon is indisputable evidence of the repetition of all 10 biblical executions of Egyptian described in Exodus. The priest believes that the realization of the events referred to in the Bible indicates the imminent onset of the Apocalypse, and humanity already lives “at the end of time.”