Two classified reports were leaked to the press from the Pentagon UFO task force. They included a photograph of an unidentified object, which is described as a silver cube, hovering 35,000 feet over the Atlantic ocean.
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According to the detailed report published by The Debrief, the image of the object was captured by an F / A-18 pilot with his cell phone within the cockpit off the east coast of the United States.
Three officials who had seen the photo said that the unidentified silver object had hovered 35,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean and 1000 feet away from the fighter jet.

The United States Department of Defense engaged an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force which has been studying the unidentified objects since 2018. According to the task force, military pilots collided with unidentified objects
However, the U.S. intelligence community tries to look not for evidence of the existence of UFOs from other planets but monitor whether potential opponents of the United States use any new technologies in aviation.
It was reported that there was a leak from the Pentagon in 2018 and 2019, which speak of “a meeting with the alien or non-human technology.”
The meetings took place by military pilots when they were at a considerable height over the Atlantic, which supposedly may indicate that aliens have long been on our planet and are simply hiding in hard-to-reach places – for example, at the bottom of the ocean.
However, experts believe that the UFO resembles a dropped GPS probe, a weather device designed to measure storm conditions as the device falls to the surface. But the mysterious object had no GPS transponder like shown in the photo below. It should also be noted that such probes descend quickly to the surface of the Earth, rather than hovering at such high altitudes.

The 2020 classified report included a clear photograph of a UFO which was not released in the leak. According to the officials who had seen the report, a triangular craft with the light on its edges emerged from the ocean and flew high in the sky off the coast of San Diego in 2019.
The officials believe that the object is a “transmedium” craft that can operate smoothly both in the air and underwater.

In 2004, former Navy Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight were flying about 100 miles off the coast of San Diego when a UFO took to the skies from underwater and hovered in the air. When they tried to approach him, the UFO sped away. They described this encounter with an unidentified flying object as a ‘Tic Tac’.
Besides, it was clarified that the object was smooth, with no visible wings or engines, with only three lights at each corner.

UFO researcher Nick Pope from the UK Department of Defense said:
“These revelations are extraordinary, and give the public a genuine peek behind the curtain when it comes to how the US government is handling the UFO issue.
The fact that the intelligence reports seem to have been given a surprisingly wide distribution in various intelligence agencies. And the extraterrestrial hypothesis seems genuinely not to have been taken off the table.”
According to him, this information confirms that the US government is serious about the UFO phenomenon than ever before.
- Leaked UFO Pentagon photo: Mysterious object that US intelligence admits could be ‘alien’: Express
- Leaked photo from Pentagon UFO task force shows ‘silver cube’ hovering over the Atlantic at 35,000ft: Daily Mail
That is the docking formation and is many spectral units looks like a tent but it is that and not one single craft although they have advanced synchronicity it flies like one