Ancient Ural Civilization Created 3D Earth Map 120 Million Years Ago, But How?
The Dashka stone, also known as Chandar Slab has been…
Nebraska Police Officer Abducted By Aliens From Nearest Galaxy Found Out Earth Was Their Energy Source
On the night of December 3, 1967, a young police officer…
4000-Year-Old Mysterious Figurines Depicting Ancient Aliens or Giants Found On the Italian Island
Huge mysterious statues were found by a farmer while plowing…
French Railway Worker Claimed Two Martian Visitors Attacked And Paralyzed Him in 1954
On the night of September 10, 1954, a railway guard…
Ancient Gate Of Babylonian Empire Discovered In 1902 Signs The Existence Of Dragons
The Ishtar Gate was the most famous part of the…
Ex-Israeli Space Head Claims Aliens Exist And Working With US Astronauts On Mars’ Underground Base
To date, humanity is not ready to accept the truth…
Pentagon: US Military Pilot Took A Photo Of Silver UFO Hovering 35,000 Feet Above Atlantic Ocean
Two classified reports were leaked to the press from the…
Stone Carvings Reveal Giant Comet Hit Earth 13,000 Years Ago & Started New Civilization
In 2017, a team of scientists from The University of…
Former US Air Force Worker Claimed Lizard Men Abducted & Mated With Her On Moon In 1980
In 2015, a 60-year-old woman who had worked for the…
Mysterious Ritual Of Asaro Mud Men From Papua New Guinea Signs Alien Encounter In Past
The lands of Papua New Guinea are inhabited by the…
British Policeman Alan Godfrey Alien Abduction Is Most Convincing UFO Encounter
During the last months of 1980, the British Police observed…
5 Online Dating Success Stories That Will Make You Believe in Love Again
Sometimes, it seems like all that we ever hear about…
Ancient Russians Drilled Holes Into People’s Skulls 7000 Years Ago Either For Surgery Or Ritual
In the past few decades, scientists discovered prehistoric human skulls…
Man Fought With Three Alien Robots Whole Night In California’s Forest In 1964
On September 4, 1964, Donald Shrum went on a hunting…
Giant Humans Lived In New Zealand 2500 Years Ago, Before Ancient Polynesians
An unknown group of people excavated limestone caves in the…