Former CIA undercover operative Chase Brandon penned a conspiracy thriller novel where he added true information on UFOs and aliens according to CIA veteran John Ramirez. The book was published in 2012, and Brandon wrote about Roswell, Underwater UFOs, and alleged alien forces on Earth.
“The Cryptos Conundrum,” a controversial novel by a thirty-five-year veteran of the CIA Chase Brandon is unlike any other standard science fiction book. He said he opted to write a book of fiction because it was prohibited to publish a factual book to bring out CIA secrets.
In the book, Brandon discussed classified CIA documents involving UFOs and what the U.S. top spy agency knows about alien life and activity on our planet. Well, it is not a secret that the CIA has a great interest in the UAP phenomena. They have been investigating it for decades. They have a dedicated “UFO desk” and consistently assigned officers to investigate, keep tabs on, and otherwise “handle” how UFOs affect the security of the United States.

Note: For twenty-five years, Brandon served in the CIA’s elite Clandestine Service as an undercover, covert operations officer carrying out foreign assignments involving international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics trafficking and weapons smuggling.
He operated under a range of official and private sector covers, sometimes using alias names and physical disguises, and often collaborating with special operations components of foreign military, security or law enforcement components abroad.
During intermittent assignments at headquarters, he was also an Agency foreign political affairs analyst, Presidential briefer, and an instructor in tactical paramilitary and espionage tradecraft disciplines at secret CIA training camps.
25-year CIA veteran John Ramirez, who retired from the agency recently as an officer with GS-15 status intentionally mentioned Brandon’s Cryptos Conundrum during an interview with “Jay” over at the Project Unity webcast. (Source)
Ramirez said: “Chase Brandon was a very senior officer in CIA. He wrote a book called Cryptos Conundrum and it’s about his take on what happened at Roswell. Chase originally went on Coast to Coast AM and he talked to the press about discovering Roswell files. He stated publicly on the air that there was a crash and there were bodies and they were no human bodies. So, he stated that the CIA heard that and said Chase you can’t say.”
Ramirez reiterated the idea that, while Brandon’s book is presented as science fiction, savvy readers might learn a lot about what is really happening if they can “read between the lines.”

Read also:
- Ex-Defense Official: ‘I Know Who Will Testify To Existence Of Recovered Alien Technology’
- ‘Roswell Was Real’ Claimed Apollo 14 Astronaut, Elizondo Suggests 2 UFOs Crashed That Day
- US Attorney Claims CIA Tracks UFO Signatures With Secret Technology & Collected UAP Data
- Pentagon Roswell-Cover-up Was Already Exposed At 1997 Press Conference, Only Now Gets Viral
Here are some selected “staggering” points described by former CIA operative Chase Brandon in his not so “fictionalized” book about CIA/UFO secrets. The readers can decide the possible “truth or fiction” of each point:
1. The CIA has in its possession an incredible device, a mysterious “crystal,” of ancient alien origin, that enables government scientists to look back into history and view in “real-time” any historical event that has ever happened. For example, if they want to watch a “movie” of the moment when Julius Caesar was assassinated, the building of the Egyptian pyramids or the Battle of Gettysburg, they can view it as if they are watching a YouTube video of that event.
2. The cafeteria used by the elite top brass of the CIA in a secret underground location is staffed by top-of-the-line chefs who have in their possession “world secret recipes” — absolutely no one else has them — that enable CIA cooks to make the most delicious meals you can ever imagine. The yumminess of the CIA cafeteria menu is off-the-charts scrumptious!
3. The CIA has, for decades, been diligently carving out a system of vast underground tunnels and huge caverns large enough to hold major cities able to support a population of perhaps a million people or more. This underground realm is served by superfast bullet trains and runs for thousands of miles under areas of the East Coast of the U.S. and there are other underground facilities of massive proportion in other parts of the nation.
4. The 1947 crash of a UFO near Roswell did not contain the standard “Gray” aliens as a crew, but rather, large and dangerous aliens that were a cross between a T-Rex dinosaur and a giant gelatinous snail-like creature. The “Gray” story was a cover story invented by the CIA.
5. In 1958, the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier was confronted by a small fleet of UFOs that came out from under the water and subsequently shot down several U.S. fighter jets that had been scrambled to go after them. In retaliation, the Captain of the Roosevelt ordered a tactical nuclear missile strike against the UFO “mothership” and destroyed it in midair. The huge UFO fell into the sea.
6. All biological life, including humankind, has been manipulated from the beginning by an extremely ancient and godlike race of “Progenitor Beings” who seeded life throughout the universe and set in motion the creation of a Galactic Federation and/or warring factions of alien races across our galaxy and beyond.
About Roswell, at then On Coast To Coast AM (as Ramirez stated), Brandon said he encountered a box labeled “Roswell” at the Historical Intelligence Collection, which is part of the CIA’s research library. The box contained materials such as photographs and documents (not alien artifacts or body parts), and while he would not specifically describe the content, he said what he viewed confirmed to him his previous belief that Roswell had been a genuine UFO crash. The material, however, was not evidence that the CIA was involved in a cover-up, he added.
And “…Chase Brandon was the CIA’s first Entertainment Industry Liaison. From 1996 to early 2007 he was the CIA’s man in Hollywood, working on a dozen major movies and numerous high-profile TV shows…”