A century ago, the search for Atlantis was a real archeological endeavor. The 1915 Annual Report to the Smithsonian Institution’s Board of Regents contained an extensive discussion by French researcher Pierre Termier about the state of the efforts being made to locate it. Termier was no New Age occultist, either. He was a member of the Academy of Sciences and Director of the Geologic Chart of France.
Why is it now, 110 years later, that the search for Atlantis has been labelled de-facto “pseudo-archeology” by places such as the Oxford Reference Dictionary? A greater example of a begging-the-question fallacy could not be produced. Not only that, but a deliberate and systematic undertaking by certain corners of the archeological community is aimed at convincing you that pondering the subject of a lost, advanced, Pleistocene-age civilization makes you a white supremacist.
We know these histrionics and efforts to cancel certain voices are hallmarks of the intellectually bankrupt, who stand to lose a lot of credibility were it to be found they were completely wrong for so long. But is there more to it than just that? The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, published April 2023 by the Library of Cernê, fearlessly explores that question and in doing so has made a series of discoveries that will leave you awestruck.
As it turns out, we’ve been lied to about Atlantis for a very, very long time. Here’s just three mainstream fabrications about Atlantis that most people nowadays take for granted.

Myth #1: Atlantis Was an Island in Front of the Strait of Gibraltar
We’ve all heard this claim repeated ad nauseum for a very long time. But does it really agree with what Plato says about their territory? Certainly, if we look only at certain parts of Plato’s Timaeus and Critias, we might be led to that opinion.
Our documents record how your city once halted an enormous force that was marching insolently against not just the whole of Europe, but Asia as well, from its base beyond Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. I should mention that in those days the ocean there was navigable, since there was an island in front of the straight which, I’ve heard you say, your people call the Pillars of Heracles. The island was bigger than both Asia and Libya combined…
This quote from Timaeus is what most people focus on, but this isn’t Plato’s full account. We need to look a bit further.
…and travellers in those days used it to get to the further islands, from where they had access to the whole mainland over on the other side, the mainland which surrounds the genuine sea. Everything this side of that straight is like a narrow-mouthed harbor, but that is the true sea, and the land which completely surrounds it truly deserves the name ‘mainland’. On this island of Atlantis a great and remarkable dynasty had arisen, which ruled the whole island, many of the other islands, and parts of the mainland too. They also governed some of the lands here inside the straight – Libya up to the border with Egypt, and Europe up to Etruria.
The complete quote makes it obvious that the island in front of the Straight is the island of Madeira, which is more than large enough to be a naval base as described by Plato. The “other islands” are very possibly all of Macaronesia, and the “mainland” here being the Maghreb region of Africa, as well as parts of Southern Europe, from Spain to Italy. Altogether we have a territory most certainly “bigger than both Asia and Libya combined,” as the Ancient Greeks understood those continents.
Why has there been such a focus on a mythical, massive island in the Atlantic rather than paying attention to the full context of the quote? Could it have to do with the fact that there is a structure in mainland Africa, Mauritania to be exact, that sits within the Atlantean territory Plato actually describes, and is shaped precisely the way Plato describes their capital city? Furthermore, this feature, dubbed the Richat Structure, has been inhabited by humans for hundreds of thousands of years, and had been destroyed by the ocean that once violently passed over it in what looks like a cataclysmic tidal wave.

Myth #2: Plato is the Only Source for the Story of Atlantis
Perhaps more explosive a revelation is the fact that Plato isn’t even the sole ancient author to have mentioned Atlantis by name. In the first century BC, Diodorus Siculus published his magnum opus, Biblioteca Historica, a twenty-volume history of the world that he compiled from other, more ancient sources. Book 3 relays the work of an ancient Alexandrian scholar by the name of Dionysius Scytobrachion.
The identity of this Dionysius is a bit of a mystery, as this name appears nowhere else in ancient literature. Some believe he is the same as
It is here in Book 3 that we find an incredibly detailed and independent account of Atlantis. Where Plato talks about the geography of their capital city and governmental structure, Diodorus discusses the founding family, internal squabbles leading to a potential civil war, religious rites and other subjects Plato says nothing about.
Not only have the manuscripts of Book 3 been in our possession for over a thousand years, but more modern scholars such as Lewis Spence pointed out to the world in his 1927 book The History of Atlantis that this account exists. Perhaps even more amazingly, the same translator of the 2008 Oxford University Press edition of Plato’s Timeaus and Critias also translated large portions of Diodorus’ work. Are we to believe that he somehow completely missed Diodorus’ account of Atlantis, going on to repeat the same trope of Plato being the only surviving record?
From Diodorus we learn that the Atlanteans inhabited the westernmost regions of Libya, by a great mountain that the Greeks called Mount Atlas, that existed near the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. There is indeed an ultra-prominent mountain in southern Morocco, today called Toubkal. Incidentally, the earliest human remains ever discovered were in a cave a mere 125 kilometers away, meaning this mountain, the Richat Structure, and surrounding regions have been known to humanity from the very beginning of our species.

Myth #3: The Ancient River System of North Africa was Recently Discovered
In 2015 a team of researchers announced they’d discovered an ancient network of rivers that once existed under the sands of Mauritania, where one finds the Richat Structure. These rivers would have given Atlanteans easy access to the ocean and involved a mega river the team named the Tamanrasset. With such an easy passage across Africa, the Atlanteans had everything they needed to become the maritime superpower described by Plato.
And yet, curiously, a massive river system like this has been drawn on maps of Africa since the days of Ptolemy. For thousands of years, North Africa has been illustrated with a large river system spanning east to west, with the main river being called the Fluvius Niger or Black River.
It’s an excellent candidate for the Biblical River Pison, which ran the breadth of a land called Havilah, wherein one finds Eden at its western edge.
Only in the last couple of centuries have maps of Africa excluded this river. Was it simply because sailors could no longer locate it that it was removed from our history and memory? And what does this say about the connection some people have made between Atlantis and Eden?
Revelations Concerning the Nature of Humanity and the Gods
All this and much, much more is explored in detail in the heavily referenced book The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya. Truly, nothing in human history makes any sense absent an advanced, Pleistocene age civilization. The contacts our ancient ancestors had with these advanced people laid the groundwork for the many religions and political structures that exist to this very day. It does appear that, far from being lost, the people known as the Atlanteans have, over a long period of time, been systematically excised from human history.
Who erased this history, and why, is yet another topic explored that will leave you speechless. Prepare for a journey through humanity’s collective mythologies, and most advanced sciences, ultimately arriving at a new understanding of life on earth that will leave many of the foundations upon which your beliefs about our origins rest utterly shattered.
Author Bio
Chris is a Master in the occult and esoteric arts. Having begun his studies as a teenager, he later was informed by his family that he came from a centuries-old line of Freemasons that includes several Grand Masters. While rising in his career to the highest ranks in the world of finance and entrepreneurship he continued his exploration of the ancient mysteries. In 2023, Chris published The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, a book that’s catapulted the discussion about Atlantis, the Anunnaki, Fallen Angels, and Nephilim into an entirely new dimension. Chris is a past director of the Mises Institute of Canada and a speaker at many liberty and cryptocurrency events across America. As curator of the Library of Cernê, the resurrected repository of Atlantean wisdom, his mission is to bring the hidden secrets of ancient humanity to light.