Sumerian literature is considered one of the oldest written texts in human history. It tells the story of the Anunnaki gods and human history from its beginning. Sumerian texts have several examples which hint at the connection between the human species and extraterrestrials. There are legends that discuss the anthropomorphic Gods in various ancient cultures of the world, including the legend of Oannes, a deity that came from the sea and taught Sumerians all advanced knowledge to establish a civilization.
Since time immemorial, people have told stories about unusual divine beings who brought them the knowledge to create a civilized world. Ancient cultures attribute exceptional wisdom and versatile abilities to these creatures. The ancient people even acknowledged that these mysterious creatures were responsible for building their civilization.
Tales of divine teachers have been handed down by almost all ancient cultures. The Incas spoke of a mysterious creature called Viracocha. The Persians described a god known as Ahura Mazda, who brought the knowledge. Similarly in Ancient Egypt, Osiris is responsible for all development.

In turn, the creator of the Mayan civilization was supposed to be the mysterious Kukulkan. In other cultures, we also find accounts of intriguing characters such as Tangaroa, Bep Kororoti, Nammu, etc. All these creatures were distinguished by great knowledge and came to people from different planes or dimensions or worlds. Are the reports about them only myths and legends, or did aliens actually establish contact with the first people a long time ago and help them in building a civilization? It is worth considering this issue by analyzing the legend of the mysterious Oannes.
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The first highly developed civilizations appeared on the territory of Mesopotamia, whose people worshipped the Anunnaki Gods. The people of these cultures had a very developed system of religious beliefs, in which the whole mass of divine beings, arriving from the sky, coexisted. The most famous were the Anunnaki, a group of unusual beings led by Enki and Enlil.
However, in Mesopotamia, people also spoke of a group of seven teachers called Apkallu, who brought culture and civilization to the humans. Each of the seven wise men taught people, imparting to them knowledge on various topics. The oldest and most important teacher was a mysterious being, whom the Sumerians and Babylonians called Oannes or Adapa or Uanna.
Oannes, as described by the Babylonian priest Berossus, had the form of a fish but with the head of a man under his fish’s head and under his fish’s tail, the feet of a man.
Berossus described this entity as follows:
“At that time, many different tribes existed in Babylon, they lived in a barbaric way, like animals in the field. For a year now, Oannes appeared on the coast washed by the waters of Eritrea, on the border with Babylon. He had a fish body, so there was another human one under the fish head, human-like legs grew out of the fishtail. His language was human.”
Could the description of Oannes’ appearance indicate that he may have been wearing something that resembles a suit?
Berossus says that the creature spent its days with men, never eating anything, but teaching men the skills necessary for writing and for doing mathematics and for all sorts of knowledge: how to build cities, found temples, and make laws. It taught men how to determine borders and divide land, also how to plant seeds and then to harvest their fruits and vegetables. In short, it taught men all those things conducive to a settled and civilized life.

It would seem that the description of Oannes turns out to be very important since there are similar examples of beings in other cultures. In the Bible, the archangel Raphael, who accompanied the prophet Tobias, behaved in the same way.
On the other side of the world, the Kayapo Indian tribe lives in the Amazon jungle, telling stories about a creature called Bep Kororoti. According to their stories, the divine teacher Bep Kororoti did not eat or drink anything and was dressed in something that resembles an astronaut’s spacesuit. The Kayapo Indians never had contact with the Sumerians, but the description of the mysterious sage is remarkably similar.
The story of Oannes is so curious that even the famous astronomer Carl Sagan became interested in him. In his book “Intelligent Life in the Universe,” published in 1966, he acknowledged Oannes’ description as an example of possible contact with extraterrestrial beings in antiquity.
Sagan wrote that beings such as Oannes could be aliens from outer space interested in the teachings of mankind, and great cultural changes occurred with their appearance.
Carl Sagan described the Oannes story as:
“…a legend which more nearly fulfills some of our criteria for a genuine contact myth… Taken at face value, the legend suggests that contact occurred between human beings and a non-human civilization of immense powers on the shores of the Persian Gulf, perhaps near the site of the ancient Sumerian city of Eridu, and in the fourth millennium B.C. or earlier…
Sumerian civilization is depicted by the descendants of the Sumerians themselves to be of non-human origin.
A succession of strange creatures appears over the course of several generations. Their only apparent purpose is to instruct mankind. Each knows of the mission and accomplishments of his predecessors.”
It seems incomprehensible why God who are represented as an outer space deity comes out of the sea instead of coming from the sky. In the stories of ancient cultures, gods often lived in the seas from where they came to the surface with the help of mysterious flying houses or balls of light.
Not only Oannes came from the depths of the seas, but Viracocha and Solomon Adaro did the same.
The story of Oannes is another example of an unusual teacher who taught the first people. Is it just a myth that has no real place or did characters like Oannes really exist? The number of accounts of divine sages that we find in non-contact cultures is astonishing. Perhaps, a long time ago, a developed civilization of intelligent beings arrived on Earth, and its representatives taught the first people, passing them knowledge on various topics.
This makes way more sense then to believe humans made progress all on their own. Metallurgy for example would have been impossible for the humans of the time. The buildings they built there is no way they did that without the help of aliens.