NASA has been searching for the truth about extraterrestrial life for a long time. Moreover, the space agency has never denied it and that is enough to discuss the possibility of non-human living beings existing outside Earth in any form, from micro to macro. The controversy occurred when a couple of years ago, a retired chief scientist for NASA James L. Green spoke about Mars and the alleged extraterrestrial life on it.
Before stepping into Dr. Green’s statement, it should be known that NASA has accepted that there might be the intervention of alien civilizations in the history of Earth. In 2014, NASA published a book entitled “Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar,” which considers extraterrestrial interference in human history. It notes the possibility that some rock art depictions on Earth may be of alien origin. It was edited by Douglas Vakoch, Director of the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
Additionally, factually speaking, it would take only 10,000 years for the human presence to disappear from the planet, which is so short in comparison to the age of Earth. If such a civilization existed, the traces would not be so evident – taking into account that more than 4 billion years of the Earth comprise a wide enough range for the evolution (and destruction) of intelligent life.

In 2019, Retired NASA scientific director Dr. Jim Green gave some statements that caused a lot of controversies. The expert believed that it is most likely that the European Space Agency had already discovered evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars. Dr. Green is convinced that humanity, as we know it today, is not ready for such information.
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In the summer of 2020, two rovers from Nasa and the European Space Agency (ESA) traveled to Mars to drill horizontally into rocks and deep into the surface, in the hope of finding evidence of living organisms. He assured that the evidence of the extraterrestrial existence on Mars was obtained, at the latest, in the middle of 2021. However, it will take much longer for humanity to come to terms with the fact that life does exist outside of Earth after all.
Did Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Find Life On The Martian Surface?
As per the current update, NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has been exploring two very different geologic units on the Jezero Crater floor since its landing on February 18, 2021. The rover has found new evidence for ancient hot magma and abundant water. It has also discovered ancient organic molecules, the sorts of molecules found in all living things still preserved in rocks and dust.

Perseverance used its Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals (SHERLOC) instrument to detect them. Organics are a tantalizing finding since they are the building blocks of life. However, both biological and non-biological processes can create organics. Whether these particular organics are from once-living organisms or not is something scientists must still determine. Besides, this is not the first time the rover found organics on Mars.
Can It Be Possible That NASA Already Found Aliens On Mars?
Before the launch, Dr. Green said: “The missions are the best chance humanity has ever had of answering the question: ‘Are we alone in the universe?'” Dr. Green had been instrumental in both missions. He added that “there is a real possibility that one or both will be successful.” Yet it would have far-reaching implications, and he believes Earth is not ready.
“It will be revolutionary. It’s like when Copernicus stated ‘no we go around the Sun’. Completely revolutionary. It will start a whole new line of thinking. I don’t think we’re prepared for the results. We’re not.”
“I’ve been worried about that because I think we’re close to finding it, and making some announcements. What happens next is a whole new set of scientific questions. Is that life like us? How are we related? Can life can move from planet-to-planet or do we have a spark and just the right environment and that spark generates life – like us or not like us – based on the chemical environment that it is in?”
The research published in 2020 shows that planets that were previously thought to be uninhabitable may have once had suitable conditions for life. The researchers detected a chemical — phosphine — in the thick Venus atmosphere. After much analysis, the scientists assert that something now alive is the only explanation for the chemical’s source.
How Could Scientists Tell The World If They Found Alien Life?
A group of scientists led by Dr. Green proposed a new framework to help verify and then communicate the detection of biosignatures beyond Earth-like the Torino scale (a tool for categorizing potential Earth impact events) for assessing the danger of asteroids.

Their idea is to use a scale, from level 1 to level 7, that will allow confidence in any given case to be gradually increased. Known as the “confidence of life detection,” or CoLD, its initial steps would merely reflect confirmations that a result is not linked to contamination or some obviously abiotic origin, whereas its final levels would represent robust follow-up observations solidifying a link to life. “These things are complex,” Dr. Green said. “But we really need to be able to communicate it simply.”
Dr. Green stated that one promising indication of life on Mars is that every summer, the planet gets gassy, with the amount of methane gas present at the surface increasing dramatically. The Curiosity Rover on Mars also detected molecular oxygen, which increases each spring and summer by up to 30 percent before dropping again in the fall.
“That tells us life may be underground during the summer – the soil’s heat and therefore loosen up such that the methane can leak out. We have all kinds of circumstantial observations that perhaps Mars has microbial life, too,” he explained.
Most likely, the life of Mars and Venus might still be sustained underground and to make the surface habitable, Dr. Green suggested terraforming both planets. He said it might be possible to terraform Mars by placing a giant magnetic shield between the planet and the sun, which would stop the sun from stripping its atmosphere, allowing the planet to trap more heat and warm its climate to make it habitable.