A Silicon Valley startup has confirmed that, for the first time, the company was able to let two people talk to each other while they were dreaming. In a new breakthrough, which may appear to have been inspired straight from the movie “Inception.” The company made use of “specially designed equipment” which included a “server,” an “apparatus,” “Wifi” and “sensors,” however, they did not reveal the exact technology used.
CEO & Founder at REMspace Inc. Michael Raduga said “..communicating in dreams seemed like science fiction. Tomorrow, it will be so common we won’t be able to imagine our lives without this technology. This opens the door to countless commercial applications, reshaping how we think about communication and interaction in the dream world.”
During the study, the participants were sleeping in different homes while REMspace researchers created a word in a special language and sent it between them.

Scientists still need to check or repeat the technology. However, if this technology is proven to work, it will be a big step forward for sleep research and could help with mental health treatment and skills training, according to REMspace.
REMspace used “specially designed equipment” to send a simple message between two people through lucid dreaming, the company said.
In the study, the two participants slept in separate homes, and their brain waves were tracked by the equipment remotely, with the data sent to a server. The server detected that one person entered a lucid dream, created a random word using the special language, and sent it through his earbuds. He then repeated the same word in his dream, and the response was recorded and saved in the server.
After eight minutes, the second participant entered a lucid dream. The message stored by the first participant was sent to her from the server, and she repeated it when she woke up.
REMspace provides the Simplest Direct Technique to Have an Out-of-Body Experience
The company suggests lying down in an uncomfortable position to help induce a state conducive to OBEs. Instead of actually falling asleep, reach a deep, free-floating state of mind. This state is described as a kind of deep relaxation, which can lead to OBEs after a few lapses in consciousness. (Source)
REMspace occasionally uses other techniques to either calm an overly active mind or to alert a sleepy mind, but this is only in about 15-20% of cases. It’s important to have only a slight desire for an OBE; a strong desire can hinder the experience. REMspace emphasizes that they don’t focus on the OBE when using this method.
During the study, the participants were sleeping in different homes while REMspace researchers created a word in a special language and sent it between them.
Scientists still need to check or repeat the technology. However, if this technology is proven to work, it will be a big… pic.twitter.com/k2l2JmvrYU
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) October 13, 2024
If there is no success in achieving an OBE after 15 minutes, REMspace suggests changing to a comfortable position and then trying to fall asleep. The method of falling asleep in an uncomfortable position is claimed to be easy and effective, working almost every time, according to REMspace.
…I could feel myself moving out of my body and sliding down between the mattress and the rail on the side of the bed-actually it seemed as if I went through the rail-on down to the floor. Then, I started rising upward, slowly…
… At that point, I kind of lost my sense of time, and I lost my physical reality as far as my body is concerned-I lost touch with my body. My being or my self or my spirit, or whatever you would like to label it-I could sort of feel it rise out of me, out through my head. And it wasn’t anything that hurt, it was just sort of like a lifting and it being above me…
…I was above the table, and I could see everything they were doing. I knew that I was dying, that this would be it. Yet, I was concerned about my children, about who would take care of them. So, I was not ready to go…-(“Life after Life”, Raymond A. Moody)
American scientist Robert Lanza explained why death does not exist: he believes that consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe and that death is just an illusion created by the linear perception of time. He said Dreams Are More Real Than Anyone Thought!
The secrets dreams can unlock ultimately derive from the basic fact that reality is a process that involves us―a conscious observer. We assume the everyday world is “out there” in a more real or independent sense than is the world of our dreams, that we play a lesser role in its appearance. Yet recent studies show that day-to-day reality is every bit as observer-dependent as dreams are. (Source)
Dr. Lanza explains Dreams are far more than the spontaneous, random firing of neurons that some insist they are. They must likewise be far more than the activation of random memories already contained in the brain’s neurocircuitry.
True, dreams often contain a mix of emotions and things we have previously experienced, but in dreams, there are often people, faces, and interactions that the dreamer has never experienced before. A dream is an instantaneous, nonstop narrative that often seems as real as real life itself.
How could this tapestry of enormously complex interactions and scenarios be the result of nothing but random electrical discharges?
In dreams, we’re not just watching an “external world” and passively imprinting memories in our neural circuitry. How is it possible for the brain to do this?
God, Christianity, the Bible – Caused by Lucid Dreams and OBE?
In the Bible, we come across a number of places where dreams play a role in advancing the story of God’s people.
In Genesis 20, God kept Abimelech, the king of Gerar, from sleeping with Sarah by giving him a dream. In Genesis 28, God appeared to Jacob in a dream and showed him that He was with him in the land of Canaan. In Genesis 31, an angel of God told Jacob to leave Laban and go back to Canaan.
In Genesis 37, Joseph has several dreams that predict his rise to power. In Genesis 40, Joseph interprets the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker, and in Genesis 41, he interprets Pharaoh’s dreams.
As we read these stories about dreams, we might wonder: Does God still communicate through dreams today? The Bible shows that God has guided His people through dreams. Nowadays, there are reports of Muslims and others finding faith in Christ through dreams.
Putting this all together, we might ask ourselves what we should think about dreams—both in the Bible and now. The answer is complex and requires looking closely at the Bible, especially the differences between the old covenant and the new. But by considering these factors, we can come to a thoughtful conclusion about dreams.
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In contrast to a dream today that does not have an interpreter, Genesis 40:8 indicates how God interpreted dreams and gave interpretations to Joseph (and later to Daniel). In this way, God-given dreams came with interpretation. This is a significant difference from modern dreams that rely on human wisdom for interpretation. (Source)
Physicist Michael Pravica claims that human consciousness arises from hidden dimensions of the universe rather than solely from brain activity. He suggests that Jesus could be a hyperdimensional being, as referenced in the Bible. According to him, our consciousness has the ability to transcend the physical world during moments of heightened awareness.
He believes that hyperdimensionality is more common than we realize. For instance, he suggests that Jesus could be a hyperdimensional being, among others. “According to the Bible, Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after being on Earth. How do you ascend into heaven if you’re a four-dimensional creature?” Dr. Pravica asks. But, if you’re hyperdimensional, it’s very easy to travel from our familiar world into heaven, which could be a world of higher or infinite dimensions, he says. (Source)