Nomoli: 17,000-Year-Old Reptilian Figurines Found In West Africa
Nomoli figurines are stone statues depicting human-like figures…
Mysterious Petroglyphs Depict Ancient Aliens That Arrived In Russia 8000 Years Ago
The Onega petroglyphs are the unique engravings on…
7000-Year-Old Bird-Like Figurine Of Neolithic Era from Private Collection Has No Known Origin
An unusual 7000-year-old bird-like figurine of the Neolithic…
4000-Year-Old Mysterious Figurines Depicting Ancient Aliens or Giants Found On the Italian Island
Huge mysterious statues were found by a farmer…
Ancient Gate Of Babylonian Empire Discovered In 1902 Signs The Existence Of Dragons
The Ishtar Gate was the most famous part…
Mysterious Ritual Of Asaro Mud Men From Papua New Guinea Signs Alien Encounter In Past
The lands of Papua New Guinea are inhabited…
Ancient Russians Drilled Holes Into People’s Skulls 7000 Years Ago Either For Surgery Or Ritual
In the past few decades, scientists discovered prehistoric…
Giant Humans Lived In New Zealand 2500 Years Ago, Before Ancient Polynesians
An unknown group of people excavated limestone caves…
Ancient Siberian People Drew Alien Figures On The Tomb Stones 5000 Years Ago
In 1985, a 5000-year-old ancient burial mound of…
Ancient Civilization Of Sri Lanka Used Alien Mountain Caves For Astronomical Observations 300,000 Years Ago
A series of Neolithic petroglyphs were discovered on…
Ancient Greeks Built Most Advance Computer 2,300 Years Ago To Observe Galaxy
It seems that computers appeared on Earth relatively…
Moon-Eyed People From Ancient America With Pale Skin Were Afraid Of Daylight, Why?
Among native American legends, it is believed that…
6000-Year-Old Japanese Figurines Depict Modern Spacesuit That Signs Ancient Astronauts Visited Earth
Тhe so-called Japanese clay figurines Dogu depict strange…
7000-Year-Old Reptile Figurines Found In Iraq, Made By Ancient Civilization Before Sumerians
7000-year-old artifacts were found in the Al Ubaid…
3000-Year Old Artifact Shows Ancient Astronaut Arrived In A Spaceship On Earth
A 3000-year-old spaceship-looking artifact is one of the…