Lady of Stars: Egyptian Goddess Who Nearly Killed Human Race
It has been a mystery how ancient Egypt…
Were Ancient Anunnaki Reptilian Gods? Is Rh-negative Reptilian Aliens Blood?
In many ancient cultures, there are legends and…
Did Anunnaki Use Mars As Way Station? Evidence of Ancient Nuclear Weapons on Mars
NASA, SpaceX, and other space agencies of the…
Did Gods Really Descend From The Sky In Vimanas and Used Them For Aerial Warfare?
From Sitchin's interpretation of Sumerian texts, Anunnaki divided…
Did A Nuclear War Between Anunnaki Gods Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
The detonation of nuclear weapons in the 20th…
Does This Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal Show Anunnaki Home Planet Nibiru?
Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal VA 243 became widely…
Is Rh-negative Alien Blood? Was It Evolved From Extraterrestrial Species?
Many ancient texts and Internet stories claim that…
700 Years Of Ancient Alien Sightings: Medieval UFO Encounters
Throughout ancient history, UFO sightings have been recorded…
Scientific Evidence & Legends Behind Anunnaki Home Planet Nibiru: Does It Really Exist?
Late author Zecharia Sitchin introduced the most controversial…
Manna Machine: Mysterious Alien Technology That Produced Food For Israelites For 40 Years
What was the mysterious substance provided by God…
Did Egyptian Pyramids Inspire Nikola Tesla To Build Wireless Transmission Tower?
Ancient Egypt and the mystery behind the construction…
Was Gilgamesh, The Demigod of Ancient Sumeria, a Descendant of Ancient Astronauts?
Zecharia Sitchin purported the theory that the ancient…
Giants Of Ancient Egypt: Were Ancient Builders of Pyramid Gigantic In Size?
Who built the pyramids and how did they…
Is Ancient Alien Theory Of Genetic Mutation True? Scientists Learning How To Change DNA
One of the main theories purported by ancient…
Mystery Of Alleged 800 Million-Year-Old Woman Body Found In Russia, Fact or Fiction?
A story of the sarcophagus discovered with the…