Latest UAP Phenomenon News
1970 Cold War UFO Mystery: British Fighter Jet Crash & Missing Body Of USAF Pilot
The whole world is aware of the mysterious…
UFO Photo From Calvine Incident That Is Set To Be Released In 2072, Another Hoax?
Nick Pope worked for the British Ministry of…
Were Aliens Behind Dr. Von Braun’s Success? He Predicted “ELON” Would Take Humans To Mars
There are few sci-fiction stories written in the…
200-Year-Old Painting Describes Shapeshifting UFO Seen Over Britain Skies In 1783
In the modern world, it is easy to…
[New Claim] Einstein Saw Roswell Aliens & Their Spaceship During A Secret Trip In 1947
A new mystery has been added to the…
[Update] Mystery of Three-finger Alien Mummies: Two Reptilian-humanoid Races?
During 2017 and 2018, the three-fingered mummies with…
President Reagan Asked Russians To Unite With the US Against Alien Attack In 1985
What would happen if aliens attack the Earth?…
This Man Encountered Alien Race That Lived 12 Light-Years From Earth, Who Were Descendants Of Humans
Do aliens live among us? That is a…
Mystery of Alien Named Vrillon Who Interrupted Live TV Broadcast In UK In 1977
Forty-four years ago, a strange event occurred in…
Most Ignorant Studies Show Aliens Are Visiting Solar System Continuously & Thriving On Earth
With the tremendous amount of worldwide interest in…
Nuremberg UFO Sighting: Battle of Aliens In The Sky Over German City In 1561
It is still a myth for many people…
Boris Kipriyanovich: A Russian Prodigy Who Claimed To Have Lived On Mars, Where Is He Now?
Mars is the most favorable planet in the…
Pitoni Sky Stones: Is It A Solid Proof Of Extraterrestrial Visit To West Africa 17000 Years Ago?
Ancient cultures could probably know more about extraterrestrials…
At least Four Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years From Andromeda
Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer said…
She Said She Was Alien & Came From Venus: She Disappeared Without Any Trace
Is Venus a habitable planet? Currently, it is…