A 536-year-old painting by an Italian artist compelled scientists to scratch their heads due to the unusual details found in it. Though there are numerous paintings created hundreds of years ago with unexplained objects, “The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius” grabbed the attention of ancient alien theorists who noticed an otherworldly object in the painting. This strange object can be easily noticed above the Virgin Mary.
“The Annunciation, with Saint Emidus,” which was painted in 1486 by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli, shows the Virgin Mary shortly before she realizes that she will give birth to Jesus the savior. In the painting, the Virgin Mary is shown kneeling inside a room in the town of Ascoli Piceno, Italy. A very thin laser-like beam of glowing golden light intersects the painting, shining down and touching Mary on the head. The light originates from a vortex of swirling clouds that appears similar to a UFO hovering in the air.

The beam of light supposedly represents the Immaculate Conception, the moment that Mary became pregnant with the baby Jesus. Traditionally, the object is thought to be a heavenly halo. Traditional religious thinking assumes that this was divine intervention, but what if the object was not divine, but an intervention by extraterrestrials?
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UFO and alien enthusiasts have interpreted the halo as a disc-shaped UFO. Their belief is that Jesus was not divine at all. Instead, it was the result of genetic engineering and the implanting of a child into the unsuspecting Immaculate Conception. Supposedly, she was abducted and impregnated by an alien race.
UFO and alien enthusiasts have interpreted the halo as a disc-shaped UFO. Their belief is that Jesus was not divine at all. Instead, it was the result of genetic engineering and the implanting of a child into the unsuspecting Immaculate Conception. Supposedly, she was abducted and impregnated by an alien race.
Rather than representing a beam of Holy light, the beam could be something else entirely. “They argue that the beam of light striking Mary while she is indoors is consistent with modern-day alien abductions. Many people who claim to have been abducted state that they were inside their homes when a strange light shone from outside the buildings.”
Dr. Jacques Vallée studied the nature of flying saucers very closely and noted that the phenomena have cropped up in many works of art during the 15th century and back to ancient times. Dr. Jacques Vallée is one of the few people who added credibility to the Ufology. When others called the UFO encounters a hoax, Vallée explained it scientifically. During his interview in 1986, he said that UFOs are a “physical object that interacts with the environment that causes effects on the witnesses on the psychology and the physiology and leaves traces on the ground and yet are capable of appeared to be manipulating time and space in ways that go beyond what our physics understands.” (Click here to learn more about Jacques Vallée
He co-authored a book, “Wonders in the Sky,” about early reports of UFOs going back to Biblical times. During his interview with HuffPost he said: “You cannot simply say that, because somebody saw something round in the sky in medieval times, it’s the same phenomenon that people see today. We are not making that statement. We’re simply describing what people saw and the phenomena associated with it as a contribution to the overall study of the history of the phenomenon.”
He pointed out how many people misinterpret unexplained objects seen in old paintings. “We don’t go into ideology. We’re not saying it’s proof of alien anything. We’re saying there is a phenomenon and it has some of the characteristics of the modern phenomenon, and we let it go at that. You still have to account for differential descriptions because of the changes in the cultures and the changes in the media, through which the data has arrived to us,” he added.

Another painting from the 15th century, “Madonna and Child with the Infant St. John,” is attributed to more than one artist and is located at the Palazzo Vecchio Museum in Florence, Italy. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is seen looking down while in the background, something unusual is taking place.
This fresco from 1350, located at the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo, has the two objects on either side of Jesus that seem to be controlled by pilots. Dennis Geronimus, associate professor of Italian Renaissance art and chair of the Department of Art History at New York University, says there’s an easy explanation for the piloted objects:
“As odd as the details in the upper left and right sections of the Kosovo fresco may seem to modern eyes, they, in fact, refer to something readily familiar: the sun and the moon. The strangeness, to our sensibilities, no doubt lies in the fact that the two celestial bodies are personified by two crouching figures that are shown as inhabiting them: producing a kind of ‘man in the moon’ effect,” he stated.

According to ancient astronaut theorists, Mary, the human mother if Jesus, was artificially inseminated with a fetus that contained alien DNA. They also claim that “Archangel Gabriel” was a real flesh-and-blood alien who conducted the procedure by convincing Mary that it was a dream and that he was a messenger of the Lord. If true, this would also make Mary one of the first alien abductees in recorded history.
If this is not proof enough.
Kosovo is NOT Serbia….