Carl Sagan’s 1962 Paper & NASA 2014 Study Considers Ancient Alien Theory
Carl Sagan was probably the first believer in the ancient…
Hundreds of Govt./Military Whistleblowers Already Claimed UFOs Are Alien Technology
Recently, Christopher Mellon, a former Defense for Intelligence official confirmed…
Stanford Prof. & US Navy Vet’s Claims Might Prove Wilson-Davis UFO Memo Is Authentic
For a number of years, the Admiral Wilson UFO document,…
Hollow Earth Author Suggests UFOs Are ‘Spy’ Craft, Sent By Aliens Living Inside Our Planet
The theory of Earth being hollow has been long discussed…
US Navy Chilling Underwater UFO Encounters Might Prove Aliens Hiding Under Ocean
For a long time, UFOs have been known to be…
Wondering if you need an electric toothbrush? Here are a few factors you should consider
Keeping a check on oral health is as important as…
Ex-Pentagon Scientist, Vallée & FBI Report Suggest Interdimensional Beings Exist Among Us
The idea that extraterrestrials could be interdimensional beings is advanced…
Jeremy Corbell’s New Video May Prove Bob Lazar Worked At Secret UFO Base In Area-51
Bob Lazar was again trending on Twitter after former Pentagon…
Gigantic Underground Cave in Vietnam Could Be Habitat to Ancient Reptilian Race
A recent episode of History Channel's Ancient Aliens has revealed…
Harvard Professor Claims Galileo Project UFO/UAPs/Alien Data Will Be Public By 2023, No Secrets
Harvard Professor Avi Loeb is one of the highly qualified…
Ex-Pentagon UFO Hunter Says Most Of US Navy UFO Videos Are Not Classified
The US Navy has recently responded to the 2020 Freedom…
10 Benefits Of Having Indoor Plants
Spicing up your home with indoor plants can do you…
Cosmic Top Secret: Ex-USAF CSM Said Earth Is Under Survey Of High-Tech E.T. Cultures
If Robert O. Dean's claims about UFOs and extraterrestrials are…
US Congressman Claims Govt. Has Alien Tech & Some UFOs Are Reverse-Engineered
One of the mysteries that the whole world is waiting…
Ex-Defence Official: UFO Whistleblowers Soon To Testify To Congress, Elizondo Is Not On List
US Navy is not going to release more UAP videos…