Matias De Stefano said he lived in an Atlantis colony in Egypt 12,000 years ago in his past life and that Atlantis was founded by beings from other worlds 30,000 years ago. He suggests that all past lives happen simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism. He began recalling his past life as an Atlantean at the age of 12. He shared his drawings and memories with his mother, describing life in an Atlantis colony in Egypt 12,000 years ago. According to him, Atlantis was founded by beings from other worlds 30,000 years ago.
MatĂas De Stefano is a well-known author, speaker, and teacher who is recognized for his deep insights into consciousness, spirituality, and the connection of everything in the universe. He shares a unique view on reality and explains how we can create our own lives. His philosophy is called “Ater Tumti” (Heaven on Earth), which shows how we can take control of our reality and learn to transcend it.
Born on November 12, 1987, in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, De Stefano started his journey of self-discovery at a young age. Since he was three, he has had vivid memories of past lives and deep knowledge of the universe. From ages 12 to 18, he could see Etheric Beings, which led to intense visions, memories of past lives in ancient cultures, and painful headaches. To understand what was happening to him, he began searching for answers through the Akashic Records and his surroundings.
Matias began communicating with his spirit guides at a young age when he began remembering past lives, including one in an ancient Atlantean colony called Kehm and another on a distant planet named Gludok in the Canis Major star system.
He believes these memories help him understand his current mission: to bring heaven to earth, a concept known as Ater Tumti in Atlantean. Matias has inspired thousands of people to join his efforts to heal our planet.

He has traveled to more than 40 countries, visiting key locations to “unlock” energy portals and activate the Earth’s chakras. According to Matias, these portals increase energy flow for everything on the planet—not just humans, but all living beings.
Matias’ mission isn’t new. He says it began over 12,000 years ago during the Age of Leo. Today, he is deeply committed to this spiritual path and shares his message with anyone ready to listen, though his journey hasn’t always been smooth.
At 23, while giving a talk in Spain, he suddenly forgot everything he was saying. He realized this was his guides’ way of clearing his mind for new messages. Shortly after, they told him that on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11), he needed to prepare a gathering to shift the energy in a specific place. This pushed him into a challenging inner and outer journey, bringing him to the next step of his mission—one that almost cost him his life.
Disclaimer: This story is based on Matias De Stefano’s experiences and beliefs. It reflects his personal spiritual journey and metaphysical perspectives.
Matias says the story of Atlantis is deeply rooted in humanity’s collective subconscious because it represents the beginning of our current civilization. He claims to remember his life in an Atlantean colony, where he learned about Atlantis through stories told by his grandfather in that life.
According to Matias, the Atlantean people were a mix of beings from the stars and Earth, often referred to as the Anunnaki, giants who settled in the Middle East.
The ‘Anunnaki’ created a civilization by having children with humans—partly to help their species transcend since their planet was dying. Some Anunnaki treated humans as equals, while others used them as slaves to extract minerals needed for survival.
Matias recounts that the Greek god Poseidon, whom he knew as Stalin in his memory, was an Anunnaki who protected 12 children of mixed lineage. Poseidon led them away from the controlling Anunnaki in the Middle East, settling them near the Atlantic Ocean, where they founded Atlantis’ 12 families.
He adds that Atlantis was divided into 12 regions, each managed by these families, who were not rulers but guides. They held knowledge from the stars and passed it down, encoded in their bloodline, to maintain cosmic wisdom and spiritual balance. The Atlantean culture, as Matias remembers, focused on humanity looking beyond Earth and toward the stars.
Matias also suggests that the Anunnaki and other star beings were part of a larger universal experiment. Even they didn’t fully understand their role in humanity’s creation. Atlantis, according to him, played a crucial role in setting the foundation for human awakening and consciousness, and he invites exploration into the connections between these cosmic ancestors, Atlantis, and the origins of human civilization.
According to Matias, the creation of races was part of a larger evolutionary process driven by cosmic forces. He describes the sixth dimension as crucial because it forms the foundation of all life in the universe, represented by the “Flower of Life” pattern of six spheres. This geometric structure is fundamental to the design of living beings and reflects how water crystallizes in six-sided forms.
In the sixth dimension, time and space interact, splitting into six patterns of time and six parts of space, creating 12 fundamental forces or beings, referred to as the “Elohim.” These Elohim are the architects of the universe and oversee the creation of life across different dimensions, including the third, fourth, and fifth. While often visualized as angelic or human-like figures, Matias describes the Elohim as massive spherical entities that divide and multiply, similar to cells in a mother’s womb, to initiate life and creation.
Matias views the Elohim as the primordial forces or “seeds of life” that help shape the universe and its evolutionary journey.
According to Matias, the creation of races was part of a larger evolutionary process driven by cosmic forces. He describes the sixth dimension as crucial because it forms the foundation of all life in the universe, represented by the “Flower of Life” pattern of six spheres. This…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) December 28, 2024
Matias explains that the Elohim, which began as enormous spherical beings, split into thousands of cells, each becoming the source of life for various entities. Every one of us originates from one of these Elohim. Over time, these Elohim separated into different frequencies and vibrations, which became distinct “races” or rays of light in the universe. These rays, seen as colors filling the cosmos, led to the concept of Archangels—another name for Elohim in different vibrational forms.
Matias likens this process to the ancient Greek idea of Chronos, the god of time, whose offspring emerged from divisions of his own body. Similarly, the Elohim created life, species, and realities in the third dimension from their own essence. The purpose of this creation was for the universe to explore itself through evolution and experience different aspects of its own existence.
Initially, the Elohim existed as vibrations and waves through time but eventually took on geometric forms, giving rise to living beings in the spatial reality of the universe. These creations weren’t immediate but the result of billions of years of evolution, with humanity as a final product.
The first beings the Elohim created were not species as we think of them but entities designed to govern the four fundamental elements of the universe: water, earth (minerals), fire, and air (gas). These elements serve as the building blocks for all life and realities in the third dimension.
Matias explains that the first forms of life in the universe were shaped by the four elements: gas, fire, minerals, and water. Different planets created life from these elements. For example, life forms could emerge from gas or fire, while Earth-based life came from minerals and water. Of these, bacteria were the most crucial for building the foundation of all other species.
The “fifth body,” the ethereal body, connects everything. It holds the memory and consciousness of all beings, linking them to the soul’s energy, which flows through all species. Early species made of fire and gas developed distinct shapes and consciousness. These beings lived on suns and gas planets, like Jupiter and Saturn, but are so fundamentally different from humans that communication would only be possible if we were “Elementals,” beings tied to the same elemental forces.
As mineral and water-based life evolved, the ethereal energies combined with water to create the first conscious beings in this context. These beings include highly advanced species like the Pleiadians. They are connected to the universe’s creation of water and existed in dimensions that allowed them to integrate fire and water energy. When water appeared on Earth around 4.6 billion years ago, it was due to a massive collision between the early Earth and a moon-like object. This impact created the Pacific Ocean and introduced rocks carrying hydrogen, which, under the right conditions, formed Earth’s water.
Matias mentions that this process was guided not by a higher organization, like a “Confederation,” but by the forces of the sixth dimension. He emphasizes that destruction and chaos in the universe were necessary for creating new realities, including the seeds of life on Earth.
Matias explains that the first forms of life in the universe were shaped by the four elements: gas, fire, minerals, and water. Different planets created life from these elements. For example, life forms could emerge from gas or fire, while Earth-based life came from minerals and…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) December 28, 2024
Matias explains how the patterns of the sixth dimension were connected to the third dimension (space) through the fourth dimension (time). The process required beings to first exist in the fourth dimension, which allowed them to develop self-awareness and experience life through four stages: expression, experimentation, integration, and transcendence.
A key challenge arose because the beings created in the fourth dimension lived eternally in the same form, with the same personality and knowledge. This unchanging existence hindered their ability to grow and explore new ways of understanding the universe. To solve this, death was introduced. Death allowed these beings to end a cycle of existence and start anew, enabling evolution and greater adaptability.
This new system tied expression to being born, experimentation to procreation, integration to aging, and transcendence to death. By dying, beings in the fourth dimension could create life in the third dimension, using death as a tool to end one perspective and begin another. This shift made learning and adaptation more dynamic and allowed for greater diversity in experiences.
Matias highlights that this evolutionary process deeply connects us to water. Water species discovered that by changing their shapes while maintaining their core essence, they could better adapt and exchange information with the universe. This ability to transform ensured their survival and growth. Humanity, as part of this evolutionary lineage, reflects this principle—while we evolve and change outwardly, our core remains constant. In essence, we are like water: ever-changing in form but eternal in nature.
Matias explains that water holds the key to creating and shaping life because it can carry and store information. However, for water to express this information in diverse forms, it needs minerals to give it structure. Throughout the galaxy’s history, minerals conditioned water to capture and hold information from various parts of the universe and the planet. Beings from other dimensions or planets also used minerals to shape water into structures that could hold and transmit their knowledge through time and space.
The DNA spiral, created by the universe, serves as a vessel to store this information within cells, akin to how planets hold life. Matias says intelligent species, including humans, are often seen as being created by extraterrestrial beings, which is true—but not in the simplistic sense of aliens arriving and crafting new life forms from scratch. Instead, these beings spent millions of years studying Earth to understand its systems, much like how the human immune system rejects foreign entities it doesn’t recognize.
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The process began in water, where extraterrestrial beings tested the merging of information—through DNA and blood—with Earth’s organisms. Over time, they identified the whale as the wisest and most suitable being to hold vast amounts of information. Attempts to cross water-dwelling beings with land species, including mammals, birds, and reptiles, didn’t always succeed. Early experiments created prototypes of beings like cats and reptilians, but they fell short of the desired outcome.
Eventually, extraterrestrial beings observed the evolutionary progress of hominids in Africa. These beings recognized hominids as uniquely equipped to receive and integrate information from higher dimensions, making them ideal candidates for helping the planet reach greater awareness. The extraterrestrials didn’t randomly modify hominids but chose them because they were already evolving toward higher consciousness.
As the climate changed, these beings selected hominids from regions like South Africa, Congo, Egypt, Arabia, the Middle East, and India. They guided their development in remote locations like islands to protect and prepare them. Through this process, early humans were born, with different prototypes created and tested to see which ones could best merge with existing humans and adapt to the planet’s needs.
Matias explains that humanity’s diversity and genetic makeup were intentionally designed to serve as a repository of universal information. He states that certain species, such as the Arcturians, contributed to creating and shaping human genetics by interacting directly with humans, including through reproduction, rather than conducting laboratory experiments. This process ensured that humans became a species capable of hosting diverse knowledge and consciousness essential for Earth’s development.
He describes how beings from other places blended their genetics with humans, not just to create new traits, but to carry different types of information within the human species. Among the various species tested for survivability on Earth, Homo sapiens sapiens proved to be the most adaptable, largely due to their similarities with the Arcturians. This compatibility made humans the chosen species to carry consciousness and contribute to the larger universal plan.
Matias emphasizes that the diversity of human races plays a critical role in humanity’s purpose. This diversity allows the species to gather a wide range of information and adapt to varying conditions. It also prepares humans for their eventual expansion beyond Earth, where they are destined to populate and adapt to life in other parts of the galaxy. He explains that the differences among human races serve to store a broader array of data and perspectives, which are necessary for this future.
The number 33 holds great significance in this process. It represents alignment and enlightenment, as well as the connection between mind, body, and emotions. Matias explains that humans have 33 vertebrae in their spines, corresponding to 33 energy codes or nodes on Earth. These codes are also tied to 33 distinct genetic bloodlines that integrate the collective knowledge of 22 extraterrestrial races, along with Earth’s contributions. This alignment enables humans to access and channel universal wisdom.
Humanity has been selected to act as a “garden of the galaxy,” a hub where genetic and cosmic information converge. This role equips humanity to spread across the galaxy, colonizing planets like Mars and Jupiter, and eventually reaching star systems such as Sirius and the Pleiades. Matias asserts that humanity’s diversity and embedded knowledge make it uniquely suited for this destiny.
As humans evolve and become more aligned, the wisdom within their DNA will unlock, allowing them to interact with the galaxy as a unified and enlightened species. Matias underscores that humanity holds the potential for both individual and collective enlightenment, with a role in the cosmos that extends far beyond the confines of Earth.
Past lives are happening simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism
Matias explains that what we perceive as past lives are not separate events in time but rather connections to specific pieces of information existing in another frequency. He suggests that all past lives are happening simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism.
He compares this idea to the human body, where each cell represents an individual person. Every cell contains the same genetic information but specializes in fulfilling a specific function within an organ. Similarly, every person holds the same universal knowledge but focuses on a particular role in the collective organism of humanity. This specialization prevents individuals from remembering everything, as doing so could create confusion about their purpose.
Therefore, forgetting past lives or universal knowledge is intentional—it allows individuals to concentrate on their specific roles. However, some people, like Matias and others, act as the neural network or nervous system of the collective body, communicating and reminding others of their purposes. These individuals serve as the connections or pulses that help the rest of the “cells” understand their roles and stay aligned with the greater organism.
Matias emphasizes that the variation in memory or awareness among people is due to the unique tasks each has been designed to fulfill within this interconnected system.
Past lives are happening simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism
Matias explains that what we perceive as past lives are not separate events in time but rather connections to specific pieces of information existing in another frequency. He suggests that all…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) December 28, 2024
The article correlates with other esoteric sources rather well.