Nicole Kerr shares the story of her near-death experiences, explaining how she survived three life-threatening incidents. She talks about an accident that occurred in 1983 when she was 19 and a cadet at the United States Air Force Academy.
Nicole was in one of the first military recruitments of women and she joined because of the pressure her family put on her, not because she wanted to. She suffered enduring that process desperately trying not to quit even though every part of her knew quitting was what she wanted. Later she learned that the car accident that caused her first NDE was somehow orchestrated on the other side to allow Nicole to leave the Air Force and find her true purpose in life.
One evening, she got a ride from a senior cadet who had been drinking and had other plans in mind. They stopped to drink beer and smoke, which was a big change for Nicole, who had grown up in a strict, conservative household with strict rules from her father. She felt pressured to please her father, and this influenced her decisions. After drinking and smoking, the senior cadet became angry when she refused his advances and, while driving at high speed, lost control of the car. They crashed, and Nicole was ejected from the vehicle.

She was pronounced dead at the scene, but after about 10-13 minutes of being clinically dead, the EMTs arrived. They couldn’t find any vital signs, but one EMT noticed a slight reaction in her eye. This indicated she was still alive, and they were able to save her. She describes this as a life-changing experience.
“I will tell you now if you’ve heard of that saying our eyes are the window to our soul my soul had flown out when I crashed through the windshield and went up into the air and I froze in that position and I knew when I looked down that I was going to die I just knew it and I called out to God to police help me and what happened was an angel came and took me up to the other side.”
One evening, she got a ride from a senior cadet who had been drinking and had other plans in mind. They stopped to drink beer and smoke, which was a big change for Nicole, who had grown up in a strict, conservative household with strict rules from her father. She felt pressured…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) November 23, 2024
After the car crash, she describes how she felt her soul leave her body and how she “knew” she was going to die. She called out to God for help, and she believes an angel took her to the other side.
Nicole explains that her story is verified by medical records and interviews with the healthcare professionals involved, especially John, the EMT who helped save her. She describes her severe injuries, including blood loss, broken bones, and a severed foot. Despite being clinically dead, her soul returned to her body when her right eye flinched. Her blood pressure was dangerously low, but she was still alive.
Nicole was transferred to a hospital, where doctors performed CPR for 20 minutes. Once at the hospital, she underwent surgery and spent months recovering. During this time, her condition fluctuated, and she had to undergo another emergency surgery due to a serious injury in her lower body.
During the surgery, she went into cardiac arrest and was declared dead on the operating table. The surgical staff informed her parents, who were praying in the chapel. Her father cried for the first time, and her mother didn’t believe it. But just moments later, the surgical nurse ran back to tell them that Nicole’s heart had started beating again, and she was going to be moved to the recovery room.
The Other Side
She explains that, after the crash, she tried to return to the “other side” but was told by her angel, named James, that she had an important mission to fulfill. Nicole believes that everyone has a purpose, and hers was given to her by spirit.
Years after her recovery, at the age of 38, while working at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, she was going about her usual routine when she suddenly remembered the details of the crash. For 19 years, all she could remember from the accident was a bright white light, a common experience in near-death experiences (NDEs), as described by Dr. Raymond Moody.
Nicole then shares how, in that moment, memories of the crash and her time on the “other side” began to surface. She vividly recalls the sensation of being surrounded by a brilliant white light, which gave her a feeling of peace, bliss, and safety instead of pain. She felt as if she was being held in a cocoon of light.
On the “other side,” Nicole describes being enveloped by God’s presence, feeling pure, unconditional love. There, she experienced a sense of oneness with God, and she realized that her earthly mistakes no longer mattered. She felt as if her past life was just one of many, and that her mistakes were insignificant. She describes the experience as feeling like an astronaut floating in space, filled with awe and wonder.
The Other Side
She explains that, after the crash, she tried to return to the “other side” but was told by her angel, named James, that she had an important mission to fulfill. Nicole believes that everyone has a purpose, and hers was given to her by spirit.
Years after her…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) November 23, 2024
Nicole explains how she didn’t feel the pain of the crash because, according to her near-death experience (NDE), her soul left her body before impact. She describes how, after her soul left, she saw an angel, who appeared as a translucent figure with male qualities. For 39 years, she couldn’t identify this figure, but after publishing her book You Are Deathless, she began to smell cigar smoke and heard a voice revealing that it was her paternal grandfather, James, who had been her angel during her time at the Air Force Academy.
Nicole shares that her grandfather had been watching over her, especially during her struggles at the Academy, and helped her survive her ordeals. He explained that he had been with her in spirit, protecting her, and that he would continue to guide her throughout her life. She believes he was the one who pulled her back during her third NDE when she was suffocating due to fluid in her lungs. This experience reinforced her belief that we can encounter deceased loved ones in the afterlife.
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- Forget Life After Death: These Women Claim To Remember A Spiritual Realm Where Souls Prepare To Enter Human Bodies Through A Vortex
- This Man Experienced a ‘Time Slip’ That Doctors Say Is Not Possible: He Saw a Mysterious Figure Standing Near Him
- Man Who Has Seen Death 4 Times, Been Clinically Dead 3 Times, and Witnessed What Lies Beyond
Nicole said when in “soul form,” she could see everything around her in 360 degrees, unlike the limited vision humans have. Communication was not through words, but through telepathy, vibrations, and music, which allowed her to understand conversations.
She overheard two angels speaking, and they urged her to tell people on Earth to ask for help. They emphasized that they are always there to help, but humans need to ask for assistance, no matter how small the request. Nicole shares that she often asks her angels for small things, like finding a parking spot, and every time, she receives help. She encourages others to connect with their guardian angels, explaining that everyone has at least one, and that angels and spiritual guides want to assist us, but they can only do so if we ask, as we have free will.
Nicole encourages developing a relationship with your soul, something she didn’t understand at 19 but has since learned. She suggests journaling and asking your soul what it wants you to know, even if you don’t get answers right away.
She also reminds us that we are never alone. She explains that we are always surrounded by spiritual beings, including angels and deceased loved ones, who are there to guide us.
Nicole stresses that there is no judgment on the other side, which may be surprising to some, as many believe in judgment in the afterlife. Instead, she says that we are perfect and loved more than we can understand. She adds that when we pass, we’ll be reunited with loved ones and pets who showed us unconditional love.
Finally, she explains the concept of a life review after death, where we see how our actions, words, and thoughts impacted others and the world. This is not a judgment but an opportunity to learn. She urges people to be mindful of their choices, as awareness is the first step toward becoming more loving and true to their essence. She believes that we are all born perfect, but the conditioning we experience during life leads us to forget this truth.